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Friday, August 28, 2015

How to Communicate With Different Bloggers and Create Link Worthy Content? Part 22

How to Communicate With Different Bloggers and Create Link Worthy Content?

We can identify some other specialized directories like the following ones. I hope you know these from before: 
  • Article directories
  • video directories
  • rss feed directories
  • podcast directories
  • software directories
  • infographic directories
  • wiki directories etc.

How to communicate with different bloggers?
  • Those bloggers who write about your industry
  • Try to make professional connection with them
  • Do not send any automated email request to them
  • Do not send any press release copy to them
Do content promotion properly
  • If you can do this then you will get lots of visitors
  • You will get more backlinks
  • Moreover, your ranking will increase in SE

social media strategie

How to create link worthy content?
  • If you consider our example site, then we can make some technical article, where we can describe that how we can download free books apart from Amazon. In this post we will see lots of Screen shots step by step. By this we can create a post.
  • Then we will create a video tutorial based on the subject and embed it on our blog. We can also upload it in youtube.

social media strategie
  • On the same topic we will make video podcast step by step and submit those in the podcast directories. The aim of making different contents on one topic is that, you can reach a wider range of visitors and we can get backlink and visitors from different places.
  • When we will publish different format of the content in the website, we can make a press release based on this in different pressrelease submit direcotory like

How to create link worthy content

  • Then we will submit the blog RSS Feed in different RSS blog directories. Some services like these are: Feedage, Feedzilla etc. you7 can look at this site also: http// or you can write “Rss directory” in google and search. You will get many sites.
  • If we want we can make abbreviated version of our article and submit it to different article directory. Some sites are: articlebase, goarticles, articlealley, articledashboard etc.
  • You can write in different sites as guest blogger. We can post good articles in authority blog sites which are relevant; from here we can get some backlinks.
  • Since our site is based on selling amazon related product, so we can use the option of amazon deals of the day, and we can post for it.
  • We can write our Free Kindle books tutorial in different languages. First we can focus on a specific language then we can convert it to more 15 to 20 languages. By this we can create new content strategy. Then we can announce the content in English and other foreign languages.
  • We can write a post regarding the charging of kindle and how to download books (for other languages) and we can focus some country for these. For this we can give step by step photographs so that people can understand easily. We can share the photos through Flickr, and then tag it with our desired keywords. If possible we can create a community in Flickr.
  • Then you can interview a journalist who knows about your product or service. Then you can publish it in blog. You can do a press release for this. Then you can mail the interview to different interested bloggers.
You can do different tasks like these, where you do not need to spend extra money, but time is needed. Your outsourcer may also do these for you. To be an Authority site is time consuming and needs long investment. Select your task according to your site. Later I will discuss some other techniques. You can ask any questions to me. If it is known, obviously I will let you know.
Thanks. Take care.

How to Create Link Worthy Content For Your Site Part 21

Create Link Worthy Content:

It is very important for the contents of the site to be enriched with information, for which you will get more customers and other sites will want to link with you. You can post according to the customer demand. The following things you can do for link building:
  • Create some good contents for your product or service
  • Make your website reliable
  • Then gradually develop your target market

Create Link Worthy Content

Types of Content

Different visitors like different sites. So you can keep different contents in your site. For example:

• Articles / blog posts
• Videos / Slide demos
• Podcasts
• Newsletter archives

Different visitors like different sites, like:
  • Those who want to buy something; they usually search for the general information and reviews of the product
  • Those who already purchased their necessary product- they try to search that information by which they can use the product and how they can maximize their customer satisfaction.
  • Parents, teachers, engineers etc try to find out specialized information regarding a subject.
  • Think carefully when creating good contents
  • Create contents in multiple formats
  • Then when you will promote, consider it as a set.
  • Analyze different online websites and choose where to place your content.
  • Do Press releases.
  • Submit your website in different specialized directories to let others know about your content, such as DMOZ
  • Then you can communicate with the bloggers, who are already writing in this sector.
In the time of Press Release, some things should be taken into mind, such as:
  • You can Press Release when publishing new contents in the site, but content must be unique and helpful.
  • Publish your press release in different press release sites. For example:, prweb, marketwire etc.
  • You must create backlink with your site.
  • Link must not be more than two, and then it is better.
Later one time we will surely discuss the ways to write press release.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Manage Backlink and Google Page Ranking? Part 20

Google Page Rank

Today we will discuss about google page rank. Although it is a much backdated topic, and you must know at least something about it. Many people think that PR is used in SE ranking. Others think that it gives a green signal to google regarding a website. All these are partially true.

google page ranking

  • With PR google does not make its search result. It has an effect on the google search engine algorithm.
  • You can not measure the PR of a website easily, only google can do it. There might be different tools for measuring PR. But these can not do PR measure properly, since only google knows about it.
Let us see the example of PR in the site. For this we will use google toolbar. 

improve google ranking

See our home page shows pr 1 show. But inside it is showing pr 0. Since our page is a new page, and we did not create that mush backlink, so pr 1 show normal, and the more you go inside, pr is decreasing, since inside link juice is passed less. If your site shows no pr, still you need not to be worried, since google will surely index your page and you can get even high rank for your page. The following information will help you to understand the google page rank:
  • Correct PR might not be shown
  • Since it is updated rarely in a year
  • Page rank of new sites with less links is not shown in page rank.
  • The deeper you go into site, the less will be the PR.
  • You can get an idea about the quality of site through PR. But that does not mean that since there is less PR, your site is bad or google will never rank your site.
  • Since google update it lately, so we can hope that in future this tool might not be there.
Do not worry about google PR. Do not take it as a goal of your site. Your main aim is to rank the search results in SE. Make your site a Link-Worthy one, that means the content of your site should be rich, add different new service, so that many people will link with your site. 

How to manage backlink?
There are many ways to create backlink, and if you search in google by writing “How to build backlinks”, you can get many ideas to create backlink. See this here you can find some correct, incorrect and other techniques which should not be applied, since later you might fall in trouble with ranking. Do you know why backlink is needed? The main aim of backlink is to bring targeted traffic. Suppose you went to a site to buy books, there you saw the link of a site which not only sells books, but home appliances also, and when visiting the site, you might find something you need. Before the existence of SE, webmasters used link exchange to get these visitors. But google is the first SE which introduced link popularity with everybody. 
google rankings

From then on webmasters started to compete for backlink. Usually for good sites, backlink is necessary. But many people do not follow this rule. Usually they create backlink for any kind of sites and exchange link and to do it is very bad decision. Do not send request to create backlink automatically.

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When finding backlink becomes difficult, webmasters started to buy links. But SE never likes paid links.
  • Paid links can not be considered as vote. Since by this you can not understand whether your site is link worthy or not. By spending you can get links from anybody.
  • So if Se understands that it is a Paid link, then it will penalize you.
  • That is why SE wants these links to be marked as sponsored links.
  • Also these types of bad links can be classified as “nofollow” attribute.
  • Avoid any kind of Tricks link building
  • Those websites which accept any kind of link that is submitted avoid those sites.
  • Do not take help from any link farm. Because to increase link popularity, they approve any sites.
  • Some people might create some sites and create cross link. This is not good. But if the subject of your site has similarity, then you can cross link.
Take care. Thanks to everyone.

Why is link popularity important? Part 19

Why is link popularity important?

what is link popularity
10) Try collecting different backlinks, such as:

• social bookmarking
• social networking
• rss
• article directory
• forum
• press release
• video
• web 2.0 profiles
• directory submitter
• podcast etc.

learn search engine optimization

11) Be a true source, that means make the contents of your site good, so that others will create link with your site. It is one way very easy and also difficult task.

12) Make sure all your backlinks should not come from comments, then SE will understand that this is your trick to get the backlinks. Most of the comments should be No follow. 

search engine optimizer

13) Try collecting authority backlink, which is given more preference by SE. a site with 7 to 8 pages backlink is more valuable than a page with 100 backlinks. There are other ways to measure a natural backlink. I hope I could give you some idea on how to create natural backlink. The rest you can surely understand. The best way is to ask yourself whether the backlink you have created is natural or not, you can easily get the answer, there might be mistakes though.

There are many ways of link build up. We will discuss about it later. Nowadays the old process may not work. So be careful when you do Linkbuild up.

Link Popularity
Link popularity indicates the number of backlinks present in your site. Like the authorities of backlinks. There are more elements in here, such as:
  • The quality of backlink page
  • The things used as anchor text
  • Age of Link (This is not so important now, but still functional)
  • The most important is the relevance of the page where you created backlink and your site. For example, for kindle site you created the subject might be real estate, so be careful to match with the subject.
Also there are endless more factors (which might be still unknown)

Why is link popularity important?
You usually know that all the tasks of on page seo in the website is done by the webmaster. So he can give fake information in his site if he wants, with which he can get a rank in the SE. So SE gives importance on link popularity. People try to link with those sites which are dependable and useful. So traditionally it is believed that, the more the backlinks in a site, the more the credibility. SE considers each backlink as a vote. But people try to deceive SE by creating backlink in many ways. For example, we should backlink with trusted and informative sites, but we backlink with any sites, so that when we backlink others will backlink us also. Although SE knows about it, it is still a ranking factor, because it is a proven subject through which SE ensures the relevancy and credibility of a site.

How to Build Natural Off Page SEO Link Building Free? Part 18

How to Build Natural Off Page SEO Link Building Free?

We have already learnt about on page seo. I hope you have understood about it. Today we will know about off page seo

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Off Page SEO
I hope you remember the definition of off page seo, what the others are telling about your website is off page seo.

When you think that the work of your on page seo is finished, you can not rest then, you have to do the work of off page seo. The main work of off page seo is to create backlink. It depends on how much creativity you can use to create backlink. 

off page seo

N.B: off page seo is not like before. That means within one night you create 500 links and go top at the google rank, it is not like this. Google is very smart, so you have to create backlink, but that seems to be natural link building. Other things should be remembered like link popularity, page authority etc.

If you can build your links in a natural way, then you will be benefited, otherwise your dream of going to top rank will fade away. 

search engine optimization tips

How to build natural link?
Now I will give you some idea about natural link build. I hope if you can follow it then you can invent more new ideas.

1) Think that somebody has built 1000 links. So what is happening? It is very easy, he might have bought the links from somebody or he might have employed 200 people to create 5 links from each, or something like this. That means nobody has liked his content and gave him backlink, he got it for money, which is not natural. This is done artificially, so when google sees that suddenly somebody has created a lot of backlinks, it does not take it in a good way. Any time google might penalize you. Here the phrase old is gold is applicable. Say if Wikipedia creates 5000 backlinks in a day, still google will not say anything, since it is an informative and old site. But your new site might be penalized if even 100 backlinks are created in a day. So be careful, ask yourself, how many backlinks you can create in a day? Only create those, do not do extra.

2) Also if your site is new, and you decide to create 10 backlinks in a day, then there will be natural flow. It may be natural, but remember what backlink is, it is getting links from others. What I want to tell is that, if your site has 5 unique visitor, and if you create double the backlinks, still it means that it is not natural flow. Either you are doing this, or others are doing it for you. So what will you do? It is beat if you create 1/3 of the backlinks according to your visitors. Suppose if you have 50 visitors, then daily you can create 15 to 20 backlinks. I hope you are getting clear about this. I might not be able to define all the terms properly due to lack of time, so if you do not understand something, you may search in the google. I hope you will get the terms in the first page. For example I used the term unique visitor here, but I did not explain it. 

3) Also see that the site given in example, the main keyword is My Kindle reviews. So if you think that in all your links the anchor text will be My Kindle reviews, then you are creating a big mistake. Since in a site all the backlinks can not be same, and google will easily catch you for keyword stuffing. So when using anchors text, remember to keep some variation. Say like 30% exact keyword, 20% broad match, 20% LSI keyword (electronic reading device, related with kindle, in a different way, google with lsi keywords finder), 30% general keyword (click here, check out this etc). If you divide anchor text in your site like this, then it will be considered as natural. Try to use more Long tail keyword.

4) To tag your article, do not use more than 3 keywords.

seo basics

5) Make a balance between Dofollow and Nofollow backlink in your site. See that Nofollow backlink should not be greater. 

seo basics

6) Take backlinks from all top level domain like .com, .net, .org, .edu etc. if you have all types of backlinks, then it looks natural. 

7) Create new links everyday. If you create 100 links in one day and then create no links in a week, then google takes it as a suspicious activity.

8) Increase the activity of your social site

9) Create different type of contents, like: audio, video, power point presentation, PDF etc, and publish those in different websites. From there you can get both backlinks and visitors. Some sites like this can be:,,, etc.

To be continued…

Friday, August 21, 2015

Basic Internal Search Engine Optimization at a Glance Part 17

Basic Internal Search Engine Optimization at a Glance

It was already told before that there are 2 types of SEO, Internal and External optimization. Do you think this is new? Actually this is the synonym of On page seo and Off page seo. We already discussed about On page seo. So I thought of having a recap of it, to make you understand properly. Another reason for this is that google emphasizes more on On page optimization. At one time, achieving thousands of Backlink ensured the ranking, but now it is not possible. Google is very smart now, and for this you need to be over smart, but you should be fair. You are dead if you go for Black hat seo.

Internal Optimization is actually the link between the pages in your website, keyword density, whether the pages are error free, whether any pages are in broken condition, etc. many times we see that the increasing and decreasing of ordinary pages Linking structure or keyword density ensures the position of your site from the 2nd page to 1st page in google.

What is Backlink?
Suppose you have two sites, and their names are A and B respectively. Site A has a link in which when you click, can take you to site B. so site B has a backlink and this backlink was given by site B to A.

In backlink there might be tags like NoFollow or Dofollow. Usually we see that if you give backlink to a site, then when SE will crawl through your site, then it will crowl that link also, and if your page has some page rank, then according to the ratio, the backlink will also get some page rank. Now think that you do not want to backlink anybody, but somebody put a comment on your site with a link, this will be considered as backlink also. If you do not want page rank or link juice to backlink other pages, then give the links NoFollow. This is usually used in different blog sites in the comments section of viewers, which prevents spammers or undesired visitors to increase their page rank. This discorsges the spammers to make undesired comments. However, in those places where there is already security against spammers, there nofollow should not be used, since viewers will be interested to leave comments and keep contact with the site. In many times if google sees that you have given dofollow to a low quality website, and then google might penalize you.

Page Rank
This is a measure for google to select the quality of website. This depends upon different factors. However, page rank and SE rank is different. With low page rank, you can still be a topper in SE rank. This is not so important now. You can get loads of information regarding this if you search in google.

So before starting your work, please check the list. Whether you used the tags properly or whether the contents are given properly inside? If you have given, then ok, or else give properly.

• 1% to 5% keyword density
• title
• meta description
• strong
• em
• h1
• h2
• alt
• domain/file name
• create sitemap like: Image sitemap, Video sitemap, text sitemap etc
• Reduce site loading time
• Use Breadcrumbs

This consists of those links which are used to go from one page to another in a website.
Google takes decision based on anchor text about what type of page is the navigated page.
Anchor text should be written like this: anchor text
The more the internal links in a page, the more it is important for google

Internal Linking seo services

If the linking pattern of your page is like this, then see that most links are in Index page. Then is the A, B and other pages. If you want to give importance to any other pages, then what you can do is you can create an internal link from one page to another. 

Internal Linking seo training

For this when google bot will review your site, and if it sees that one of the page is linked with other pages, then google bot will think that this page must be important since it is linked with other pages. See the similarity between SEO and reality. Say two people are contesting, so who will win? The person getting the most votes will win. In case of website also those with more links are stronger.

Moreover you have to keep in mind the following:
  • Make sure that the links in every pages works, or are not broken.
  • Every image must be shown properly
  • If there is error in your website, then both SE and visitors will be frustrated. Ask yourself how would you feel if you see error in a link?
  • Work carefully; otherwise you might be in trouble
  • You can check your page from here:
  • Always give correct information to both SE and visitors
  • Link with the High authority sites. Sometimes you might think from home page you should not give Do follow link to other sites.
  • But the main thing is, if the site is actually relevant and useful then you can surely give backlink.
  • If you are correct then you do not have to fear about losing your page rank.
I do not remember anything else about on page seo. If I remember, then I will add in this post later. If you have any queries then let me know through comments, I will update in the post.

Thanks everybody, I welcome you all to read my next post.

Keyword Research and Processing Part 16

Keyword Research and Processing

Do you remember that we created an excel sheet, where we kept the keywords? Open that excel sheet. Now we will re write a page from our example. Look at the picture below, there were some keywords

keyword search

We will copy these keywords and paste these in a word file, like the picture below:

key words

See there is number of searches, all in title, everything is written, and we will use the important keywords.

seo keywords

Look at the picture above, we arranged the keywords according to their weight and then we will re write the article. Insert the keywords in those places where it will look better when inserting the article.

how to do seo

Now see how the article looks like in the website, remember always:
• Visitor is above all
• Content is king
• So write king content for your visitor.
• Then insert keyword properly in the article, making it friendly to ser\arch engine

Next I will give an Overview on “On page seo”. Thank you.

How To Add Keywords In Different Articles And The Pages You Can Optimize or Not? Part 15

Help like Pages

The pages you can optimize
Usually these kinds of pages are not optimized. However, if you want, among these pages, you can optimize some. For example if you have something in your page as Glossaries type, then you can optimize those pages.

website marketing

The pages which you will not optimize
Some pages should not be optimized like contact form page; download pages- since these pages do not contain any important information. You will also not want these pages to be the Landing page, where there is no information regarding your product or service. That is why always optimize those pages which have relevant information about your product/service. 

Your target will be that, when visitors will enter your site, they should understand that whatever they want, they will get it there and for this always optimize the important pages, so that SE can find those pages very quickly.

How to add keywords in different articles?
This technique is applicable only for those who have already written an article, or your article writer has written your article and submitted to you- if this is the case, then you can edit it little to add newly researched keyword in this. If you use many graphics and flash in your website, then there is no need to use keyword in here, since using keyword in here is useless. Search engine can not read this kind of rich content. Still if you want to use keywords in here then use Alt tags. Moreover you can use Noscript Tag. This tag is not usually read by the browser, but SE can read it.

Beware of Graphical Headline and Taglines always
Most of the websites owners’ make this mistake. Usually they use picture in the header. SE can not understand it. Although you can use Alt tag in the image. See how nicely key word is used in the site as an example:

website optimization

This will create a huge difference in the search of search engine. So keep away from the picture, especially for header. For this kind of headline use header and keep it in html.

Give importance to website users
Use keyword in such a way that it looks that the word came here normally. It is not that you have to disperse the keyword everywhere. It is also not that the whole article will be full of keywords. Use your creativity when using keywords, which will make the article readable and search engine friendly.

Think like a reporter
Look at your content and ask yourself:


Difficult to understand- let us understand it. If we take the example of the site mentioned above, we can see two keywords, Our Reviews, and The Device.

Now ask yourself, “What kind of review?” or “What or which is the device?”. So what will be your answer? You should answer through keyword, like “short story book reviews”,” electronic reading device”
How to add keyword in the content?
seo keywords
See the line at the left hand side, this is ok, but if we are clever, or write in a descriptive way, we can convert it into a keyword rich content. I hope you can also do it.

how to make own website

Look at the picture above, usually a word is not counted as a keyword, so instead of using single word, use keyword phrase. This will benefit you. The above picture shows a word called Case, instead of using this, if we use words like kindle case, kindle cover, kindle protection, then we will be benefited more.

Use Plurals, Past Tenses, -Ing(s)
Try to make a keyword phrase with different combinations, which will benefit you. Although sometimes SE shows plural result when you need singular, but do not rely on it and try to use keyword by yourself. This will ensure that keywords are not being repeated.

Use Singulars and Plurals
Many of you might find it difficult on this post you have to use singular and plural. Actually it is not like that, it is easy. We are doing this in our daily lives and we do not need to think about it. This is easy, see the example below:

• I ordered my Kindle case at the same time…
• Check out the kindle cases now

Lastly we can say that good web writing is very important. If you can do it properly then getting Targeted Visitor is easy. You can also convert them into your customer.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is a Good Content? Part 14

What is a Good Content?

All the contents in our website might not be good. Some will be good, while others will be average. We should always try to make good contents, and for this we can hire good article writer or we can write ourselves. So which contents are regarded as good? 

  • There should be relative information for target visitors
  • There should be solution for target visitors
  • Solution for different questions
  • The website should be information enriched
These contents should target the Search engine.
In these kinds of contents, there might be more keywords and these are created for increasing the ranking of search engines. This kind of content can not achieve the goal of the site. Now google has become strict about these kinds of contents and google can find out properly with the help of human reviewer. So those who have done this got punished and those who are still doing this be careful from now on.

Make contents for the visitors, which will help to achieve your goal and improve the SE ranking.

  • You can edit the old bad contents of your site
  • Do not create fake pages, which are those pages not related with your website and will redirect the visitor into another site.
  • Always write your article clearly, easy, descriptive and step by step way, so that your target audience will not feel any difficulty in understanding this.
So write that kind of content for your website which will emphasize both your target audience and SE. There should be a balance between SE and content. It will be best if you write for the user first and then after editing it, provide the relevant keyword and give placement in the right place.

A website does not contain all similar pages; it has different pages with different contents. Websites can not be compared with Brochures. People may not know everything about you or they always will not come through search engine. Visitors can come from other sources too.

You have to presume that visitors do not know about your website.
Information should be kept in such way, so that people can find them properly. That is why all information should be placed at the right place. That is why you have to use keywords in different pages, so that visitors can find what they are looking for easily.

• Home page
• Main category pages
• Sub category pages
• Product/serice pages
• Information/articles/news/posts
• About us page
• Help pages
• Search engine gives more importance on home pages. So you have to do some work in home page.
• Broad ? competitive keyword phrases
• Use keyword rich tag line
• Make different categories in different important pages by creating directory.

content marketing strategy

Here you can add information in different categories. SE gives it more importance. Also here you can write about different sub categories or products in the page. Usually for big websites subcategory is needed. 

Product/Service Pages:
In this kind of pages it is written about different product or service and here you can use related keyword.

These pages usually have more than one copy since there might be same features of product or service.

  • There can be more contents compared to other pages
  • It is information enriched
  • Here you can show your expertise
  • These articles are not used for selling purpose
content creation

To write these kinds of pages usually keyword research is not done and here there are normally many keywords. Still you can do keyword research if you want.

what is content marketing

About Us
In this page usually there is information regarding individual or company, which ensures the trust of visitors.
In this page usually the general phrase is optimized.

How to Write Effective Title Tags For Search Engine Optimization Part 13

How to write effective title tags

It is very important for your website. This is the heading of your post and page and SE gives it importance. SE converts it into clickable link through which you can enter any website from the SE. if this is keyword rich and appealing to visitors, then ranking and visitor in SE both increases.

internet marketing

Create a word file or text file like above. There at first write important search term, beside it write searches and allintitle. This will help you to select keyword. Now you will try to use these keywords to make a nice title.

seo services

Let me give you an example. I hope you will understand.
Look at the picture above, two keywords are written side by side. Do not make your title more than 12 to 13 words. 

The above picture shows Classic book twice, so by deleting it, must read is taken first.

seo tutorial

Here it is ok but must read classic books exact phrase is not there. So we will try a bit more. Let us see what happens when we give popular classic books.

seo sem

What happens if we give must read before? See carefully that within six words we gave two big keywords, which exact matched.

seo techniques

Some keywords are left which can be written by hyphen (-). Search engine does not count hyphen, comma or exclamatory marks. So you can use these easily.
Now let us see the title

white hat seo

META description:

seo keywords 
 Again we will use the keywords in the same process and make sensible sentences. We can even use words from keyword research to gain potential keyword.

seo strategy
 Now let us see in the google search how the Meta description looks like

seo strategy

I hope there was no problem in understanding. If you have any queries please place them through your comments.

How to Use HTML Header Tags in Web Page Part 12

HEADER Tag (h1, h2, …..)

  • Use the important header in keyword
  • Use keyword in header in such a way that is relevant
  • You can get an idea of post through heading use other tags instead of h tag only. For example: strong, bold etc.
Although there is no proof that SE gives importance on <Hx> tags. However from time to time, SE specialist thinks that this tag is important. 

Let us see this tag in the source code looks like

header tags

when you will write an article, you do not need to think about which tag to use, h1, h2 or bold. When writing format your writing according to your readers.

Anchor Texts
  • This is very important since by this both visitor and SE can understand which page to click
  • SE gives it more weight
Anchor text is the Clickable part of a link. Many people use anchor text as Click here, Click, and Check out etc. which should not be used, since from here both visitor and SE can not understand regarding the click. So keyword should be used. Also if you only use keyword, then SE will think it as keyword stuffing and penalize you. So there should be natural flow in anchor text. That is, there might be keyword in some links, some links can have click here, while other anchor can have broad match or long tail keyword. This kind of mixing will increase your credibility to SE.

Let us see how the anchor text source code looks like:

html header tag

Now let us see how this link shows in the main website

header tag

Look at below there are many anchor text like this. In the main website we can only see anchor text. Main link can not be seen. So try to give important keywords of your site anchor text.

tags in html

Image ALT attributes
  • Every picture must have Alt tag
  • Alt tag can be used as anchor text
  • Most of the time we use picture in anchor to make it beautiful. So in link you should use Alt tag.
Now let us go to page source. By pressing Ctrl+F and bring find box and enter alt as search term.

onpage seo

See here kindle case is written as alt text. But if we highlight the mouse on the picture, it shows my kindle case show. 

title tags

What is the reason for this? The reason is that, the picture title has been given as my kindle case, but kindle case is given as alt text. Search engine does not do title index, SE only gives importance on alt text, especially if the picture is clickable, then alt text is given more importance.

Stay well. This is the end until now. These are the main html tags. Next we will see how to create effective Title tag. Let me know your views. These are for you. More response is needed.

Let us see the Source code of the site for example:

heading tags

Look at the picture below, here page title is used in tag and since the tag is upwards, the importance is more. Here the main keyword is used.

organic search engine optimization

Also see at the middle of the title tag we write, title show is shown in the browser. In the time of search it is also up. To every SE the tag has weight.

header tag html

Now let us see how the SE shows the result. Here the SE shows every line as a link and also highlights. Select title tag carefully.

heading tag

Meta description tags
  • This tags words have se index and se bolds the keyword results
  • The keyword phrase used here can be used as marketing your site
Now let us see the Source codes like before.
See in Meta Description, the following words are written:

Meta Description: My Kindle Reviews was created to help you determine if a Kindle electronic reading device is for you, by providing my reviews on all things Kindle: Books, Kindle Accessories and more.

Now let us search the google to find Meta description. The picture below shows the Meta description in google.

header tag in html

But there is no guarantee that google will work in the same way always. Sometimes google will use Hx tags, body, strong tags to extract text when showing result. But if you write Meta Description nicely and keep keyword inside it, then from here google will show Meta Description. In Meta Description there should be action grabbing.

How do you Optimize HTML Tags for Search Engine Optimization? Part 11

HTML Tag Optimization

I hope everybody is alright. Let us go to the main post since you are posting on your site or busy editing, so you can use keyword as much as possible. The more the keyword, the more the relevancy, the more the relevancy, the more the chance of getting in top rank.

No, you can not do any tasks mentioned above. If you do this kind of task, then your ranking will go down. Remember the things told first, we usually make a website for visitors. So give importance to the visitors. If the content of your site is not good, and if your content is full of keyword, then no visitor will like your site and bounce rate (visitors will come to site, but after seeing the content, goes away) will increase and your ranking will also fall. Now google is very smart, google can easily catch this keyword stuffing. So do not try to play false, it will harm you. Even google manually the important keywords in the first page. So do not even think about using black hat technique.

Please take into consideration the points below:
  • Use your senses properly to create your keyword
  • You do not need to give keyword always
  • Place keywords only on those places where it is necessary

TITLE TAGS overview

It is very important
Every search engine gives it importance
Use those keywords only which are more relevant
Every page should have different title. If it is same, then SE will consider it as a duplicate page and penalize you.