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Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Top 15 Richest Person from the Technology Sector What do these Tech World Giants do?

The Top 15 Richest Person from the Technology Sector What do these Tech World Giants do?

How is it is you know some interesting topics besides being very busy with this technology? Therefore, today I'm going provide update to the latest technology oriented people, who are the top 15 most wealthy tech entrepreneurs in the world of technology. I hope you will be introduced with a lot of new information and new tech giants.

Technology is such a sector which constantly gives birth to new events without throwing a petrol bomb. We people, who are technology-loving, love very much to keep the noise in the tech updates. There are more work of ours rather than tech updates. But, if you go backwards in the era of the twenty-first century, you will not be able to compete with others.

That is why we are all looking forward to discuss the latest topics of the twenty-first century. If I do not actually discuss about technology, then I feel that something is not right. The whole time I think that was is there a new technology I failed to identify! Does this happen to you?

The world is in their hand

I will not waste any more time. Let us move to the main topic. Today our latest News is the today's richest 15 individual’s lists who are based on technology sector, their identity and workplace.
Every year, Forbes magazine make a list of the world's richest entrepreneurs. This is true, though difficult to believe, that many technology Man has made their way into the list. Among them the best 15 of them were chosen for this special arrangement for tech tune lovers. So why wait longer? Let's get started. Further delay is unbearable!

The 15 top wealthy entrepreneurs of 2015 in the technology sector:
15) Shiv Nadar (Co founder of HCL Group)
Shiv Nadar an Indian who is the founder of HCL group. HCL is a software consulting company and they provide many services based on Technology. HCL Group net income is 6.5 billion and HCL Technologies has 3.7 billion dollars, 5.4 billion of which 1 billion is net profit.

Shiv Nadar

World Ranking: 66
Amount of Wealth: 14.8 billion dollars
Age: 69
Source of Wealth: Technology

14) Robin Lee (founder and CEO of Baidu)
Robin Lee is an Internet entrepreneur. He is the founder of China-based search engine baidu. He is the second richest person in China. He is very popular in the world as a Technology entrepreneur. He graduated in information technology from China and completed masters in computer science in 1994 from the USA.

Robin Lee
World Ranking: 62
Amount of Wealth: 15.3 billion dollars
Age: 46
Source of Wealth: Internet Search Engine

13) Ma Huateng (founder of ten cent)
Ma Huateng is a tech entrepreneur in China. A magazine announced him as the most influential individual from the year 2007 to 2013. He founded the company ten cent. It is based on mass media, mobile electronics and other online services. It has a Mobile text App called WeChat, which has over 440 million users, and from there he generates most of his revenue.

Ma Huateng
World Ranking: 56
Amount of Wealth: 16.1 billion dollars
Age: 43
Source of Wealth: Internet Media

12) Paul Allen (Co founder of Microsoft)
You might be familiar with the name of Paul Allen, the Microsoft co-founder with Bill Gates. He is an Internet entrepreneur. He was the school friend of Bill Gates, and the co-founder of Microsoft. In 1975, Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the world-famous computer operating systems and Software Company.
Paul Allen
World Ranking: 51
Amount of Wealth: 17.5 billion dollars
Age: 62
Source of Wealth: Microsoft

11) Azim Premji (Chairman of Wipro Limited)
Azim Hashim Premji, is an Indian internet entrepreneur and founding chairman of Wipro Limited. His institution exports software. He and his organization is the 3rd largest outsourcing organization in India.
Azim Premji
World Ranking: 48
Amount of Wealth: 19.1 billion dollars
Age: 69
Source of Wealth: Software

10) Michael Dell (Founder, Chairman and CEO of DELL)
Michael Dell is a technology entrepreneur, author and businessman. He is the founder of the world famous personal computer manufacturing company DELL.

 Michael Dell
World Ranking: 47
Amount of Wealth: 19.2 billion dollars
Age: 50
Source of Wealth: DELL

9) Laurene Powell Jobs (Founder and Chairman of Collective)
Laurene Powell Jobs is the wife of Steve Jobs. She is co-founder and president of the College track. College Track highlights the difficulty of the Schools and colleges. She is also co-founder of Disney. She is very much familiar and influential in the political and cultural arena.
Laurene Powell Jobs
World Ranking: 45
Amount of Wealth: 19.5 billion dollars
Age: 51
Source of Wealth: Apple and Disney

8) Steve Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft)
Steve Ballmer was the former CEO of Microsoft (2000-2014) and a technology entrepreneur. He is currently the owner of the Los Angeles Clipper. He has great interest in basketball.
Steve Ballmer
World Ranking: 35
Amount of Wealth: 21.5 billion dollars
Age: 58
Source of Wealth: Microsoft

7) Jack Ma (Founder of
Jack Ma is a leading rich person in China and founder of Alibaba e-commerce site. He is one of the most popular people in the world of technology. Alibaba Group has set a record of 25 billion dollars in the New York stock exchange. Ali online pay system is also very popular.
Jack Ma
World Ranking: 33
Amount of Wealth: 22.7 billion dollars
Age: 50
Source of Wealth: e commerce (Alibaba)

6) Sergey Brin (Co founder and Special Project Director, Google)
Sergey Brin, a Russian-American computer programmer, entrepreneur and investor. He was the co-founder of Google with Larry page.  He plays an important role as special Project Director of Google.

Sergey Brin
World Ranking: 20
Amount of Wealth: 29.2 billion dollars
Age: 41
Source of Wealth: Google

5) Larry Page (CEO and Co founder of Google)
Larry Page is an American computer scientist and a successful rich tech entrepreneur. He is co-founder of the world's largest search engine Google. He is the father of the Internet search ranking. He is currently the CEO of Google Inc. the most influential digital company in this era. More than 1 billion mobile use their operating system, which is 1 in every 7 users.

Larry Page
World Ranking: 19
Amount of Wealth: 29.7 billion dollars
Age: 41
Source of Wealth: Google

4) Mark Zuckerberg (CEO and Co founder of Facebook)
Mark Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO and Co founder of the most popular social network Facebook. Facebook's revenue increased 58% due to the expansion of mobile ads, which amounted to $ 125 billion. Every day in the whole world 3 billion videos are watched and 1.4 billion users use Facebook.

 Mark Zuckerberg
World Ranking: 16
Amount of Wealth: 33.8 billion dollars
Age: 30
Source of Wealth: Facebook

3) Jeff Bezos (CEO and founder of
Jeff Bezos is an American Business Man, rich investor. He is the founder of the most familiar site He is a successful online entrepreneur. Amazon's movie business is also moving ahead.

Jeff Bezos
World Ranking: 15
Amount of Wealth: 34.8 billion dollars
Age: 51
Source of Wealth: Amazon

2) Larry Ellison (CEO and co founder of Oracle)
Larry Ellison is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur, rich businessman. He served in the software company Oracle Corporation as CEO from the year 1977 to 2014. Ellison is the first Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur. He grew up in a middle class family.

Larry Ellison
World Ranking: 5
Amount of Wealth: 54.3 billion dollars
Age: 70
Source of Wealth: Oracle

  1. Bill Gates (Co Founder Microsoft)
I do not think that there is anything more to say about Bill Gates. Still let me remind a little. He is the co-founder of Microsoft. He is a computer programmer. He is a successful rich businessman. Out of 21 times, he was elected 16 times the world's top rich people. Gates earned majority of his wealth from Microsoft, which he founded in 1975.

 Bill Gates
World Ranking: 1
Amount of Wealth: 79.3 billion dollars
Age: 59
Source of Wealth: Microsoft and other income sources (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
The rich people in the world of technology have enriched our world in many ways. They are always known in this world, especially in this world of technology. When can we see a list of the names of tech entrepreneurs in Bangladesh?  Do not forget to let me know your comments through Tument.
Source of Information: Forbes Magazine

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