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Monday, June 20, 2016

You can Posses Mystic Powers

You can Posses Mystic Powers

Greetings to you all. I share my sincere affection, respect, goodwill and love with you all. I hope by the grace of God you are all well.

In some cases science remain silent. In this kind of cases, Science cannot provide evidence to prove the truth and could not even refuse. I am going to talk today about this issue. Keep in mind that without patience and practice it impossible to master. Since it is a big lengthy, this long post is divided and presented to you into two parts.

You can Posses Mystic Powers

Obtain a ball made of crystal. The natural crystal ball must be clear. If crystal ball cannot be obtained then arrange a glass sphere without any stain or defect. If you cannot get a glass sphere, then arrange a full cup of water placed on a Silky fabric before you can begin.

Now sit in a closed room in a cross-legged position. There is no objection if you have difficulty sitting in a cross-legged position. After sitting remain alert of muscle tension or vein, because they can disrupt your attention. Keep in mind that the room should be quiet, with no type of noises. The room should be dark. There can be gentle light in the room but make sure that the light does not reflect directly on the mystic crystal ball.

You can Posses Mystic Powers

Now put the crystal ball in the palm of your hands. Look carefully at the clear crystal ball. Not just on the ball, but look inside the ball. Remove all thoughts from your mind. Do not think anything at all. Put your vision at the center of the ball. Slowly and gradually you are going to enter the world of your sixth sense. So you might think that the volume of the crystal ball is increasing. It seems like you are disappearing into space. That moment you might experience a shock.

Regarding this situation Dalai Lama, the priest from Tibet wrote in his book "Doctor from" that “I focused on the crystal ball. Then the mind became light. Suddenly I felt that the size of the crystal ball on my palm is increasing. I thought, I am going to fall inside it. I started jumping. All my senses became numb. I saw nothing else but a clear crystal ball on my hand”

Not only have the mysterious Tibetan priests used smooth crystal ball. Mystic saints used to apply this method in one way or another. By focusing on the bright metallic cup filled with water in Babylon, the saints would reach the supernatural world. As mentioned in Genesis Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) used to meditate with a silver cup filled with water. There is evidence that the Greeks practiced this with the metallic cup of water. Pythagoras used to use mirror instead of crystal ball. Greek doctors used mirrors in clear spring water to understand patient's disease.

Ancient occult Egyptian Saints used mirrors to foresee the future. The Arab Saints used silver cup instead of mirror. The ancient Saints of India, China and Africa used water by silver or brass containers. Among the supernatural priests, the Mayan civilization in US was the first to use smooth crystal. The indigenous people of Australia also used smooth crystal. The famous astrologer Nostradamus used the black mirror. One day Nostradamus used his black mirror to show the queen the face of future king of France.  Queen Elizabeth's private astrologer, John D’s crystal ball first gained fame in history. In response to this the American fortune teller Jin Dixon’s crystal was a popular discussion topic.

You can Posses Mystic Powers
Anyway, let me come to point. After the first meeting you may succumb to the flick of crystal ball and got back down to reality. If that happens, then you are really lucky. It means that you have remarkable ability to extrasensory perception. If exception occurs that is if you are not able to realize any of this, please do not be impatient. Do not be disappointed. Practice from time to time. The mystic crystal ball will indeed let you into the supernatural world.

If you still do not get any result, then move a little slowly. Look after your health for one week. Avoid anxiety. Do not be angry with anyone. Do not scold anything. Eat vegetarian food. Eat plenty of fruits and milk. Move the crystal ball on your hand. Do not try to see anything in it. Just move it on your hand. This movement would have an impact on the crystal due to your magnetic energy. It will help your feeling to be united with the crystal. Place the crystal under your pillow at night time. But when you're not holding the crystal ball cover it up with a cloth and do not let the direct sun light rays fall on the crystal. Keep the magical crystal in a safe place so that someone else can not touch it.

One week later sit down with the crystal ball again like before. Think for a moment about God. Imagine the depth and grandeur of planets, stars, and the moon and sky. Finish this thought within a short time. Now gently put the natural crystal ball in the middle of your forehead for a few seconds. Take your arm down slowly with the crystal ball. Keep the crystal ball on the palm of your hand and sit comfortably.

Now have a glance at the mystic crystal ball. Look very deeply. Imagine you are looking at zero or a non-existent thing. Make your mind empty. Do not try to understand or see anything. And do not indulge in any deep feelings.

7 to 10 minutes is enough for the first night. Slowly Increase the time of focusing deeply ay the center of the antique crystal. Make the schedule in a way so on the last day of the week you can keep focused for 30 minutes.

The next week before sitting, remove any type of thinking from your mind. Imagine there is endless void in the magical crystal ball and keep turning your vision. Gradually the surface of the crystal ball seems to be shaking like waves. The unique crystal ball is becoming big to be huge in size. It would seem as if you're going to enter into sphere of void or lost in the void. This will happen. Do not be surprised. Do not be afraid. Your surprise or fear can make everything go away. You will not see anything that night. If you tremble because of fear or shake down like a half asleep person then take some rest. There is no work with crystal ball that day.

Next day sit with the crystal ball again. Make it a habit. With that in mind, with every sitting you will feel that the crystal ball is increasing in size. It would seem to be alive.

Thus, after 40 days you will see white smoke inside the crystal ball. If you are not afraid of white smoke, it will remove. Within the void of the spheres you might see the events of your own life. Initially the typical cases in the past will appear. At this stage you are inside the border of occult. Continue your practice. Stay tuned to see the events of your own life one after another every day. You will become accustomed to the practice and continue to do this.

Now you can control the scenes by yourself. With determination and faith tell yourself, "Today I will see this thing." Believe it whatever you want to see you'll certainly see it. Your intention of seeing will be the last word. If you want to see the future, then collect all the information possible. Speak confidently by yourself, "I want to know this matter".

You have established a command on the mystic crystal ball. Now do you want to know something about other people?

You can Posses Mystic Powers

In the next episode I will state the strategy of knowing about others with the help of natural crystal ball. Just remember that faith, practice and patience is needed for this.

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