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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

14 Tactical Questions asked in the Interview to make the Candidates Uncomfortable

14 Tactical Questions asked in the Interview to make the Candidates Uncomfortable


Several of the questions in this interview are made using several tactics. Typically, these questions try to find the information from the candidates which they are trying to hide. Suddenly, by asking these questions you want to catch the candidates off guard, said the founder and Executive Career Coach of “Resume Writers Inc”, Nikolai Tina.

However, these questions have some quite bad aspects, Tina said. The candidates may not be able to answer many of these questions smartly. So there is the risk of losing real work people. Find out here those 14 tactical questions.

1. How do you explain yourself in one word?
A question like this gives them an idea about your personality and style. They also know what you think about you.

This is a very challenging question to answer. Because you do not know what kind of personality candidate is being sought for this job? Moreover, it is hard to describe one's own personality in one word.

So be careful to answer this question, Workplace Expert Lynne Taylor said. Depending on the kind of job you have to select the word. For the Accountant post, you cannot use the term 'creative'. Currently, most organizations are looking for a candidate who can work in groups, are honest, can be trusted and have a dedicated attitude.

2. How do you compare the position you applied for with that of others?
With this question they are actually asking is whether you have applied for any other job? They are trying to understand how much attention you are giving to find a job. When conversation will continue, it can be understood which organization you have an interest to work.

However, if you tell that you have only applied for this job, then you are wrong. You are assumed to be giving false statement. If you speak positively about the organization where you are giving the interview, then they would think that maybe you'll go somewhere else if get a chance. You should not also speak negatively about others.

In this case, the best answer may be that, you have applied in quite a few institutions. But still you have not decided which way you would advance.

3. Can you tell your three strengths and weaknesses?
In response to this, the authorities will try to find out that whether you are qualified to work in a group. You should have opportunities in your weakness too.

In this case, the weakness of yours might be a cause of concern. Because any weakness should not be revealed which makes you unfit for the job. So it is better to answer this question correctly to show that you have taken up this challenge.

The employers want to know that whether you're right for the job and your weaknesses will not decrease your qualifications.

4. Why do you want to work here?
With this question they are asking you about the area of your interest. In addition, they want to know how urgently you need the job.

Indeed, there are several reasons for you work here. But the important point, the hierarchy of importance. It is understood that which issues are more important to you.

The employers want to know by this that how much you have learned and understood about their organization. Whether you want to know more, or do you actually like this job or other type of employment will satisfy you.

5. Why do you want to leave your current Job?
With this question they’ll want to know about your negative aspects. If you are serving in other institutions they want to know whether there are any problems or if you are likely to be dismissed from there.

Nobody wants to tell why he wants to leave the job. Also we do not want to tell about the dissatisfaction of the job. If you cannot answer with intelligence, then you cannot expect to get the job.

In response to a question they expect that you're actually looking for a job which is more challenging. You have the ability and the opportunity to work in more extensive field, which is what they want to see.

6. Which thing in your Career makes you feel Proud?
You will be asked this question to know the matter you feel attracted to and want to proceed further. They also try to understand whether you feel proud after achieving success.

It is hard to tell what kind of job you will feel more interest in future. It is better not to mention any specific subject matter. You would say something that is a combination of different jobs.

They want to see positive attitude in your answer. Enthusiasm must be present in your answer. They want to see if there is a longing for you to achieve success.

7. What kind of colleagues and bosses you worked with whom you were the highest and lowest successful, why?
With this question, they want to know whether you have any and kind of conflicts with others what type. Secondly, they seek to understand, how you work for the maximum success.

You got into trouble while working with others, describing this topic is difficult. Also if you tell about the hassle of working with bosses, then if you tell anything which was something of a bad habit of the boss present in the interview, then it is a problem.

With this question, they want to listen more good things than bad things. However, the best way is to tell most of the positive aspects and then going slowly to negative. You have to make them understand that you have the experience of working with people of different characteristics and you can and do it very good well.

8. Did you think yourself as an Entrepreneur?
With this question, they want to know, whether you have the secret desire to own a business. Because they do not want to hire these kind of people.

Everyone at the early stage of their life, try to establish his own business career, or at least dream about it. So it should not be rejected directly. But it is risky to express that once you had a business or in the future you want to be an entrepreneur.

There is no problem in expressing your wish to become an independent businessman. In spite of your wish, you have no such a plan; the issue should be presented in that way. In response this, they want to hear how happy you are working in the corporate world.

9. If you were given the opportunity to work any organization, where would you work?
With this question, they want to know how well you can perform in a particular task or competition. Moreover, your responsibility towards the job will also be revealed.

In response to this, if you talk for a long time then you will be caught. In other words, you may pass some bad comments about good organization. So present your own little ideas.

10. If you get 10 million taka tomorrow, then what will you do with it?
This has only one meaning, they want to know what you want to do or do not want to do if you get the money. In response to this your ideas, goals and objectives as an employee can be known.

It's a lot like an ambush. If you highlight a big list of your wants, then they think that you do not need this job. So it is better to respond less and stay silent.

They want to know that you are interested in this job and you will keep on having interest in work even though you become rich.

11. Did you ever get the offer from your boss or senior official to sacrifice your honesty?
Through this they want to get an idea of your moral compass. Please note that they will try to understand how you keep your integrity at any different moment. They will try to see the depths of your wisdom.

Your ability to control sensitive issues also comes out from your response. Moreover you also can speak about any former dishonest. So in this case you will have to play the role of a diplomat.

In this case instead of showcasing the bad history of any other organization, make your own ideology clear. That's what they want to see. Without mentioning any names of organizations you can narrate an incident like a story.

12. State one reason why anybody would not like to work with you?
They'll want to know about the bad aspects of your personality here. And if you lie, then it will be proven in the future.

There you tell directly that there is no reason, and then you are humiliating the person for asking this question. So instead of stating your problem directly, tell it indirectly.

The answer may be that, in fact, everyone will not like to work with me always. Especially when there is a time limit given for the job..... 

13. Why were you out of work for so long?
Many times, until you prove yourself innocent you will be considered guilty. With this question they will want to know, if you are responsible enough on your own.

In response to this you will tell about your resilience of your career.

The institution will want to see that even you were unemployed you were at least engaged with something. At least you were busy finding a job that you will have to convince them.

14. How did you get time for this Interview?
They want to know if you are already doing any other office job what you said to them. In this case, they want to see an example of your honesty.

It is trouble to tell that you told lie to the boss to come here. And it is also uncomfortable telling a lie.
In this case, they want to see, whether you are giving priority to your current employment or want a bigger field to display your capabilities. Source: Business Insider

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So much helpful content. It will helps to get a good job. Thank you

  3. So much helpful content. It will helps to get a good job. Thank you
