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Friday, August 21, 2015

Keyword Research and Processing Part 16

Keyword Research and Processing

Do you remember that we created an excel sheet, where we kept the keywords? Open that excel sheet. Now we will re write a page from our example. Look at the picture below, there were some keywords

keyword search

We will copy these keywords and paste these in a word file, like the picture below:

key words

See there is number of searches, all in title, everything is written, and we will use the important keywords.

seo keywords

Look at the picture above, we arranged the keywords according to their weight and then we will re write the article. Insert the keywords in those places where it will look better when inserting the article.

how to do seo

Now see how the article looks like in the website, remember always:
• Visitor is above all
• Content is king
• So write king content for your visitor.
• Then insert keyword properly in the article, making it friendly to ser\arch engine

Next I will give an Overview on “On page seo”. Thank you.

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