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Friday, August 21, 2015

Basic Internal Search Engine Optimization at a Glance Part 17

Basic Internal Search Engine Optimization at a Glance

It was already told before that there are 2 types of SEO, Internal and External optimization. Do you think this is new? Actually this is the synonym of On page seo and Off page seo. We already discussed about On page seo. So I thought of having a recap of it, to make you understand properly. Another reason for this is that google emphasizes more on On page optimization. At one time, achieving thousands of Backlink ensured the ranking, but now it is not possible. Google is very smart now, and for this you need to be over smart, but you should be fair. You are dead if you go for Black hat seo.

Internal Optimization is actually the link between the pages in your website, keyword density, whether the pages are error free, whether any pages are in broken condition, etc. many times we see that the increasing and decreasing of ordinary pages Linking structure or keyword density ensures the position of your site from the 2nd page to 1st page in google.

What is Backlink?
Suppose you have two sites, and their names are A and B respectively. Site A has a link in which when you click, can take you to site B. so site B has a backlink and this backlink was given by site B to A.

In backlink there might be tags like NoFollow or Dofollow. Usually we see that if you give backlink to a site, then when SE will crawl through your site, then it will crowl that link also, and if your page has some page rank, then according to the ratio, the backlink will also get some page rank. Now think that you do not want to backlink anybody, but somebody put a comment on your site with a link, this will be considered as backlink also. If you do not want page rank or link juice to backlink other pages, then give the links NoFollow. This is usually used in different blog sites in the comments section of viewers, which prevents spammers or undesired visitors to increase their page rank. This discorsges the spammers to make undesired comments. However, in those places where there is already security against spammers, there nofollow should not be used, since viewers will be interested to leave comments and keep contact with the site. In many times if google sees that you have given dofollow to a low quality website, and then google might penalize you.

Page Rank
This is a measure for google to select the quality of website. This depends upon different factors. However, page rank and SE rank is different. With low page rank, you can still be a topper in SE rank. This is not so important now. You can get loads of information regarding this if you search in google.

So before starting your work, please check the list. Whether you used the tags properly or whether the contents are given properly inside? If you have given, then ok, or else give properly.

• 1% to 5% keyword density
• title
• meta description
• strong
• em
• h1
• h2
• alt
• domain/file name
• create sitemap like: Image sitemap, Video sitemap, text sitemap etc
• Reduce site loading time
• Use Breadcrumbs

This consists of those links which are used to go from one page to another in a website.
Google takes decision based on anchor text about what type of page is the navigated page.
Anchor text should be written like this: anchor text
The more the internal links in a page, the more it is important for google

Internal Linking seo services

If the linking pattern of your page is like this, then see that most links are in Index page. Then is the A, B and other pages. If you want to give importance to any other pages, then what you can do is you can create an internal link from one page to another. 

Internal Linking seo training

For this when google bot will review your site, and if it sees that one of the page is linked with other pages, then google bot will think that this page must be important since it is linked with other pages. See the similarity between SEO and reality. Say two people are contesting, so who will win? The person getting the most votes will win. In case of website also those with more links are stronger.

Moreover you have to keep in mind the following:
  • Make sure that the links in every pages works, or are not broken.
  • Every image must be shown properly
  • If there is error in your website, then both SE and visitors will be frustrated. Ask yourself how would you feel if you see error in a link?
  • Work carefully; otherwise you might be in trouble
  • You can check your page from here:
  • Always give correct information to both SE and visitors
  • Link with the High authority sites. Sometimes you might think from home page you should not give Do follow link to other sites.
  • But the main thing is, if the site is actually relevant and useful then you can surely give backlink.
  • If you are correct then you do not have to fear about losing your page rank.
I do not remember anything else about on page seo. If I remember, then I will add in this post later. If you have any queries then let me know through comments, I will update in the post.

Thanks everybody, I welcome you all to read my next post.

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