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Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Build Natural Off Page SEO Link Building Free? Part 18

How to Build Natural Off Page SEO Link Building Free?

We have already learnt about on page seo. I hope you have understood about it. Today we will know about off page seo

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Off Page SEO
I hope you remember the definition of off page seo, what the others are telling about your website is off page seo.

When you think that the work of your on page seo is finished, you can not rest then, you have to do the work of off page seo. The main work of off page seo is to create backlink. It depends on how much creativity you can use to create backlink. 

off page seo

N.B: off page seo is not like before. That means within one night you create 500 links and go top at the google rank, it is not like this. Google is very smart, so you have to create backlink, but that seems to be natural link building. Other things should be remembered like link popularity, page authority etc.

If you can build your links in a natural way, then you will be benefited, otherwise your dream of going to top rank will fade away. 

search engine optimization tips

How to build natural link?
Now I will give you some idea about natural link build. I hope if you can follow it then you can invent more new ideas.

1) Think that somebody has built 1000 links. So what is happening? It is very easy, he might have bought the links from somebody or he might have employed 200 people to create 5 links from each, or something like this. That means nobody has liked his content and gave him backlink, he got it for money, which is not natural. This is done artificially, so when google sees that suddenly somebody has created a lot of backlinks, it does not take it in a good way. Any time google might penalize you. Here the phrase old is gold is applicable. Say if Wikipedia creates 5000 backlinks in a day, still google will not say anything, since it is an informative and old site. But your new site might be penalized if even 100 backlinks are created in a day. So be careful, ask yourself, how many backlinks you can create in a day? Only create those, do not do extra.

2) Also if your site is new, and you decide to create 10 backlinks in a day, then there will be natural flow. It may be natural, but remember what backlink is, it is getting links from others. What I want to tell is that, if your site has 5 unique visitor, and if you create double the backlinks, still it means that it is not natural flow. Either you are doing this, or others are doing it for you. So what will you do? It is beat if you create 1/3 of the backlinks according to your visitors. Suppose if you have 50 visitors, then daily you can create 15 to 20 backlinks. I hope you are getting clear about this. I might not be able to define all the terms properly due to lack of time, so if you do not understand something, you may search in the google. I hope you will get the terms in the first page. For example I used the term unique visitor here, but I did not explain it. 

3) Also see that the site given in example, the main keyword is My Kindle reviews. So if you think that in all your links the anchor text will be My Kindle reviews, then you are creating a big mistake. Since in a site all the backlinks can not be same, and google will easily catch you for keyword stuffing. So when using anchors text, remember to keep some variation. Say like 30% exact keyword, 20% broad match, 20% LSI keyword (electronic reading device, related with kindle, in a different way, google with lsi keywords finder), 30% general keyword (click here, check out this etc). If you divide anchor text in your site like this, then it will be considered as natural. Try to use more Long tail keyword.

4) To tag your article, do not use more than 3 keywords.

seo basics

5) Make a balance between Dofollow and Nofollow backlink in your site. See that Nofollow backlink should not be greater. 

seo basics

6) Take backlinks from all top level domain like .com, .net, .org, .edu etc. if you have all types of backlinks, then it looks natural. 

7) Create new links everyday. If you create 100 links in one day and then create no links in a week, then google takes it as a suspicious activity.

8) Increase the activity of your social site

9) Create different type of contents, like: audio, video, power point presentation, PDF etc, and publish those in different websites. From there you can get both backlinks and visitors. Some sites like this can be:,,, etc.

To be continued…

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