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Friday, August 21, 2015

How To Add Keywords In Different Articles And The Pages You Can Optimize or Not? Part 15

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The pages you can optimize
Usually these kinds of pages are not optimized. However, if you want, among these pages, you can optimize some. For example if you have something in your page as Glossaries type, then you can optimize those pages.

website marketing

The pages which you will not optimize
Some pages should not be optimized like contact form page; download pages- since these pages do not contain any important information. You will also not want these pages to be the Landing page, where there is no information regarding your product or service. That is why always optimize those pages which have relevant information about your product/service. 

Your target will be that, when visitors will enter your site, they should understand that whatever they want, they will get it there and for this always optimize the important pages, so that SE can find those pages very quickly.

How to add keywords in different articles?
This technique is applicable only for those who have already written an article, or your article writer has written your article and submitted to you- if this is the case, then you can edit it little to add newly researched keyword in this. If you use many graphics and flash in your website, then there is no need to use keyword in here, since using keyword in here is useless. Search engine can not read this kind of rich content. Still if you want to use keywords in here then use Alt tags. Moreover you can use Noscript Tag. This tag is not usually read by the browser, but SE can read it.

Beware of Graphical Headline and Taglines always
Most of the websites owners’ make this mistake. Usually they use picture in the header. SE can not understand it. Although you can use Alt tag in the image. See how nicely key word is used in the site as an example:

website optimization

This will create a huge difference in the search of search engine. So keep away from the picture, especially for header. For this kind of headline use header and keep it in html.

Give importance to website users
Use keyword in such a way that it looks that the word came here normally. It is not that you have to disperse the keyword everywhere. It is also not that the whole article will be full of keywords. Use your creativity when using keywords, which will make the article readable and search engine friendly.

Think like a reporter
Look at your content and ask yourself:


Difficult to understand- let us understand it. If we take the example of the site mentioned above, we can see two keywords, Our Reviews, and The Device.

Now ask yourself, “What kind of review?” or “What or which is the device?”. So what will be your answer? You should answer through keyword, like “short story book reviews”,” electronic reading device”
How to add keyword in the content?
seo keywords
See the line at the left hand side, this is ok, but if we are clever, or write in a descriptive way, we can convert it into a keyword rich content. I hope you can also do it.

how to make own website

Look at the picture above, usually a word is not counted as a keyword, so instead of using single word, use keyword phrase. This will benefit you. The above picture shows a word called Case, instead of using this, if we use words like kindle case, kindle cover, kindle protection, then we will be benefited more.

Use Plurals, Past Tenses, -Ing(s)
Try to make a keyword phrase with different combinations, which will benefit you. Although sometimes SE shows plural result when you need singular, but do not rely on it and try to use keyword by yourself. This will ensure that keywords are not being repeated.

Use Singulars and Plurals
Many of you might find it difficult on this post you have to use singular and plural. Actually it is not like that, it is easy. We are doing this in our daily lives and we do not need to think about it. This is easy, see the example below:

• I ordered my Kindle case at the same time…
• Check out the kindle cases now

Lastly we can say that good web writing is very important. If you can do it properly then getting Targeted Visitor is easy. You can also convert them into your customer.

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