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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is a Good Content? Part 14

What is a Good Content?

All the contents in our website might not be good. Some will be good, while others will be average. We should always try to make good contents, and for this we can hire good article writer or we can write ourselves. So which contents are regarded as good? 

  • There should be relative information for target visitors
  • There should be solution for target visitors
  • Solution for different questions
  • The website should be information enriched
These contents should target the Search engine.
In these kinds of contents, there might be more keywords and these are created for increasing the ranking of search engines. This kind of content can not achieve the goal of the site. Now google has become strict about these kinds of contents and google can find out properly with the help of human reviewer. So those who have done this got punished and those who are still doing this be careful from now on.

Make contents for the visitors, which will help to achieve your goal and improve the SE ranking.

  • You can edit the old bad contents of your site
  • Do not create fake pages, which are those pages not related with your website and will redirect the visitor into another site.
  • Always write your article clearly, easy, descriptive and step by step way, so that your target audience will not feel any difficulty in understanding this.
So write that kind of content for your website which will emphasize both your target audience and SE. There should be a balance between SE and content. It will be best if you write for the user first and then after editing it, provide the relevant keyword and give placement in the right place.

A website does not contain all similar pages; it has different pages with different contents. Websites can not be compared with Brochures. People may not know everything about you or they always will not come through search engine. Visitors can come from other sources too.

You have to presume that visitors do not know about your website.
Information should be kept in such way, so that people can find them properly. That is why all information should be placed at the right place. That is why you have to use keywords in different pages, so that visitors can find what they are looking for easily.

• Home page
• Main category pages
• Sub category pages
• Product/serice pages
• Information/articles/news/posts
• About us page
• Help pages
• Search engine gives more importance on home pages. So you have to do some work in home page.
• Broad ? competitive keyword phrases
• Use keyword rich tag line
• Make different categories in different important pages by creating directory.

content marketing strategy

Here you can add information in different categories. SE gives it more importance. Also here you can write about different sub categories or products in the page. Usually for big websites subcategory is needed. 

Product/Service Pages:
In this kind of pages it is written about different product or service and here you can use related keyword.

These pages usually have more than one copy since there might be same features of product or service.

  • There can be more contents compared to other pages
  • It is information enriched
  • Here you can show your expertise
  • These articles are not used for selling purpose
content creation

To write these kinds of pages usually keyword research is not done and here there are normally many keywords. Still you can do keyword research if you want.

what is content marketing

About Us
In this page usually there is information regarding individual or company, which ensures the trust of visitors.
In this page usually the general phrase is optimized.

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