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Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Manage Backlink and Google Page Ranking? Part 20

Google Page Rank

Today we will discuss about google page rank. Although it is a much backdated topic, and you must know at least something about it. Many people think that PR is used in SE ranking. Others think that it gives a green signal to google regarding a website. All these are partially true.

google page ranking

  • With PR google does not make its search result. It has an effect on the google search engine algorithm.
  • You can not measure the PR of a website easily, only google can do it. There might be different tools for measuring PR. But these can not do PR measure properly, since only google knows about it.
Let us see the example of PR in the site. For this we will use google toolbar. 

improve google ranking

See our home page shows pr 1 show. But inside it is showing pr 0. Since our page is a new page, and we did not create that mush backlink, so pr 1 show normal, and the more you go inside, pr is decreasing, since inside link juice is passed less. If your site shows no pr, still you need not to be worried, since google will surely index your page and you can get even high rank for your page. The following information will help you to understand the google page rank:
  • Correct PR might not be shown
  • Since it is updated rarely in a year
  • Page rank of new sites with less links is not shown in page rank.
  • The deeper you go into site, the less will be the PR.
  • You can get an idea about the quality of site through PR. But that does not mean that since there is less PR, your site is bad or google will never rank your site.
  • Since google update it lately, so we can hope that in future this tool might not be there.
Do not worry about google PR. Do not take it as a goal of your site. Your main aim is to rank the search results in SE. Make your site a Link-Worthy one, that means the content of your site should be rich, add different new service, so that many people will link with your site. 

How to manage backlink?
There are many ways to create backlink, and if you search in google by writing “How to build backlinks”, you can get many ideas to create backlink. See this here you can find some correct, incorrect and other techniques which should not be applied, since later you might fall in trouble with ranking. Do you know why backlink is needed? The main aim of backlink is to bring targeted traffic. Suppose you went to a site to buy books, there you saw the link of a site which not only sells books, but home appliances also, and when visiting the site, you might find something you need. Before the existence of SE, webmasters used link exchange to get these visitors. But google is the first SE which introduced link popularity with everybody. 
google rankings

From then on webmasters started to compete for backlink. Usually for good sites, backlink is necessary. But many people do not follow this rule. Usually they create backlink for any kind of sites and exchange link and to do it is very bad decision. Do not send request to create backlink automatically.

link building service

When finding backlink becomes difficult, webmasters started to buy links. But SE never likes paid links.
  • Paid links can not be considered as vote. Since by this you can not understand whether your site is link worthy or not. By spending you can get links from anybody.
  • So if Se understands that it is a Paid link, then it will penalize you.
  • That is why SE wants these links to be marked as sponsored links.
  • Also these types of bad links can be classified as “nofollow” attribute.
  • Avoid any kind of Tricks link building
  • Those websites which accept any kind of link that is submitted avoid those sites.
  • Do not take help from any link farm. Because to increase link popularity, they approve any sites.
  • Some people might create some sites and create cross link. This is not good. But if the subject of your site has similarity, then you can cross link.
Take care. Thanks to everyone.

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