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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How to Use HTML Header Tags in Web Page Part 12

HEADER Tag (h1, h2, …..)

  • Use the important header in keyword
  • Use keyword in header in such a way that is relevant
  • You can get an idea of post through heading use other tags instead of h tag only. For example: strong, bold etc.
Although there is no proof that SE gives importance on <Hx> tags. However from time to time, SE specialist thinks that this tag is important. 

Let us see this tag in the source code looks like

header tags

when you will write an article, you do not need to think about which tag to use, h1, h2 or bold. When writing format your writing according to your readers.

Anchor Texts
  • This is very important since by this both visitor and SE can understand which page to click
  • SE gives it more weight
Anchor text is the Clickable part of a link. Many people use anchor text as Click here, Click, and Check out etc. which should not be used, since from here both visitor and SE can not understand regarding the click. So keyword should be used. Also if you only use keyword, then SE will think it as keyword stuffing and penalize you. So there should be natural flow in anchor text. That is, there might be keyword in some links, some links can have click here, while other anchor can have broad match or long tail keyword. This kind of mixing will increase your credibility to SE.

Let us see how the anchor text source code looks like:

html header tag

Now let us see how this link shows in the main website

header tag

Look at below there are many anchor text like this. In the main website we can only see anchor text. Main link can not be seen. So try to give important keywords of your site anchor text.

tags in html

Image ALT attributes
  • Every picture must have Alt tag
  • Alt tag can be used as anchor text
  • Most of the time we use picture in anchor to make it beautiful. So in link you should use Alt tag.
Now let us go to page source. By pressing Ctrl+F and bring find box and enter alt as search term.

onpage seo

See here kindle case is written as alt text. But if we highlight the mouse on the picture, it shows my kindle case show. 

title tags

What is the reason for this? The reason is that, the picture title has been given as my kindle case, but kindle case is given as alt text. Search engine does not do title index, SE only gives importance on alt text, especially if the picture is clickable, then alt text is given more importance.

Stay well. This is the end until now. These are the main html tags. Next we will see how to create effective Title tag. Let me know your views. These are for you. More response is needed.

Let us see the Source code of the site for example:

heading tags

Look at the picture below, here page title is used in tag and since the tag is upwards, the importance is more. Here the main keyword is used.

organic search engine optimization

Also see at the middle of the title tag we write, title show is shown in the browser. In the time of search it is also up. To every SE the tag has weight.

header tag html

Now let us see how the SE shows the result. Here the SE shows every line as a link and also highlights. Select title tag carefully.

heading tag

Meta description tags
  • This tags words have se index and se bolds the keyword results
  • The keyword phrase used here can be used as marketing your site
Now let us see the Source codes like before.
See in Meta Description, the following words are written:

Meta Description: My Kindle Reviews was created to help you determine if a Kindle electronic reading device is for you, by providing my reviews on all things Kindle: Books, Kindle Accessories and more.

Now let us search the google to find Meta description. The picture below shows the Meta description in google.

header tag in html

But there is no guarantee that google will work in the same way always. Sometimes google will use Hx tags, body, strong tags to extract text when showing result. But if you write Meta Description nicely and keep keyword inside it, then from here google will show Meta Description. In Meta Description there should be action grabbing.

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