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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How do you Optimize HTML Tags for Search Engine Optimization? Part 11

HTML Tag Optimization

I hope everybody is alright. Let us go to the main post since you are posting on your site or busy editing, so you can use keyword as much as possible. The more the keyword, the more the relevancy, the more the relevancy, the more the chance of getting in top rank.

No, you can not do any tasks mentioned above. If you do this kind of task, then your ranking will go down. Remember the things told first, we usually make a website for visitors. So give importance to the visitors. If the content of your site is not good, and if your content is full of keyword, then no visitor will like your site and bounce rate (visitors will come to site, but after seeing the content, goes away) will increase and your ranking will also fall. Now google is very smart, google can easily catch this keyword stuffing. So do not try to play false, it will harm you. Even google manually the important keywords in the first page. So do not even think about using black hat technique.

Please take into consideration the points below:
  • Use your senses properly to create your keyword
  • You do not need to give keyword always
  • Place keywords only on those places where it is necessary

TITLE TAGS overview

It is very important
Every search engine gives it importance
Use those keywords only which are more relevant
Every page should have different title. If it is same, then SE will consider it as a duplicate page and penalize you.

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