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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Common HTML Tags for On Page Search Engine Optimization Part 10

Common HTML Tags For On Page Search Engine Optimization

On Page SEO

Today we will learn about on page SEO. Do you remember what is on page seo? If not, then see again- what I am telling about my website is on page SEO and the things others are telling about my site are off page SEO.


When we create a webpage, inside that there are html tags- among these tags, some are very important for SE, since from these tags also SE measures the relevance. For example tag, h1...h6 tags, bold, strong etc. tags are very important to SE, and usually using these tags properly is an important part of on page SEO.

HTML tags overview:

Title tag: this is a very important tag. With this SE identifies the title.

Meta description tag: this is also very important, since whatever is written in this tag is shown in the search result of SE. so this should be given importance and written attractively. This tag had value in the past, but now they have no value to google. During google ranking it is not considered as a factor. May be some search engines still count these, but I am unable to give those names of SE. since this tag is not important, we will not discuss it further. 

h1-h6 tags in seo
Hearder tags (H1---H6): this is a very important tag. With these we can give our desired keyword in headings, which helps the search result.
Anchor text links (a href="link"): this is also very important, since this helps to develop different links, google measures the relevancy of the links with the pages.
Image alt attributes (alt tags): this is a very important tag, since SE can not read any picture, so by using alt tag SE understands which picture you are using. This helps the blind people. With this you can place your site in the image search of google. From here also you can get good number of visitors.
I welcome you to read the next episode. Take care.

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