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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to Make a Website SEO Optimized Part 7

How to Make a Website SEO Optimized

Site architecture

When Keyword research will end that time your main task is to identify your Site architecture. This is very important. From your Site architecture, search engine determines which page is important and which is not.

how to build a website

For example, our Home or Front page has links with different pages. When search engine observes that this page has links with other pages, then Search Engine (SE) thinks this page as important.

Internal or Inbound linking:

The link between your website with other pages is called Internal or inbound linking. Internal linking site structure and SEO is important for this. 

how to design a website

Suppose 10 pages are referred from a particular page, and on the other hand 3 pages are referred from a particular page, then SE assumes that the 10 inbound link pages are more important. In our example the web page shown, we can highlight the Product page with internal linking.

Page Depth:
Moreover, if the page requires more clicking to get into, those pages are less important.

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Making Quality link:
For this reason the places like Top Navigation, Side Bar and Footer links are very important, since in these places the links you will use, those links can get you into the site with just one click.

website optimization

In some web pages the content might change but the places remain the same. That is why in these places the important categories and topics should be posted.

Use correct Anchor text. Use the keywords we got from our research. To know more about Anchor text, search in the google.

SE usually gives more importance on the top links of the pages. For example, Top navigation link is more important than Footer links.

When creating links, take into mind whether the link you are creating is related with the page or not. If it is not then linking it with the related pages, otherwise Se might penalize you.

It is the end for today, take care, thanks.

How to Analyze of Keyword Research Data in Excel Part 6

How to Analyze of Keyword Research Data in Excel

keyword research tool free

Now we will open the excel file which was created before. Here keywords, searches and allintitle are included. Now to measure keyword competitiveness we have to see, which keyword has a high number of searches and low number of competitor (pages). From here we can get our desired keyword. Now you look at the picture for example, you can see that the search number of ‘eletronic book reading device' keyword which is 880 and the competitors are 147 pages. So you can compete here, since 880 searches are not bad.

competitive keyword research

Now in 'electronic books device' keyword, against the 480 searches, the allintitle is only 6. Now find the keywords needed and make the excel cell color green or it could be other colors too. Now select these keywords gradually and highlight with green color.

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See here there are some keyword which has less searches and more allintitle. We must omit these keywords. We will highlight these keywords with red color. Like the keyword 'electornic books online' have 480 searches and 12,300 participants. To compete for this keyword would be a loss. Usually this kind of thing occurs when Keyword optimize is done without Keyword Research. For this reason Keyword Research is very important, otherwise your hard work will go in vain. So even though Keyword Research is time consuming, do it properly, since it will benefit you.

When all keywords will be highlighted, then we have to sort allintitle column from excel sheet and do it in order of smallest to largest. So we will have more benefits.

Here we have to also consider that if your site is new then you will take one strategy and if it is old then follow another strategy. For this you can look at the graph below:

adwords keyword research

Usually it is thought that if allintitle is below 1000 it means Non-competitive, 1000-3000 means fairly competitive, 3000-5000 means competitive and above that is highly competitive.

So if your site is popular and aged then you can easily select competitive or highly competitive keyword. However if your site is brand new, then you should select non-competitive keyword. After achieving this target you can go for fairly comopetitive keyword.

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if you perform keyword research properly to find a keyword and if you can optimize it properly, then gradually you can get the result. This is the end for today. I welcome you all to read my next post.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to Get Data Manually from Google-Keyword Research Part 5

How to Get Data Manually from Google-Keyword Research

If we search kindle reviews phrase from excel sheet from google, then google shows some result at the right hand side. But here the results which the google shows contains only kindle results, review results and two phrase results. From here we can tell that all the pages may not optimize from kindle review phrase.

top keyword search

Now we will search quoted "kindle review" phrase. See the number of results decreased, here it shows 70300 results. So we can tell that the phrase kindle review exact is used somewhere in 70300 websites. So we can tell that all the sites may not optimize from kindle review phrase.

popular search keywords

Now we will use advance search term from google.

top keyword search

Now write in google allintitle:"kindle reviews"
Now it shows only 6060 results, which means the websites have the word Title tag kindle reviews. Since the word Title tag kindle reviews, so we can assume that these sites can be optimized for this phrase. This phrase is highly relevant with these sites and we can use it. Now let us see some other things:

keyword popularity research

If you again search kindle reviews phrase in google and look at the result, at first there is which is very famous and is in the web for a long time, which means that here competing is difficult.

keyword popularity

First enter the link and see in the site there is no direct kindle reviews word, which means probably there are many Backlink with the kindle reviews phrase. If you do not know the meaning of Backlink, no problem, later we will discuss about it. We can take this phrase.

Now you see in google like big sites as pcworld, so competition is very tough. You can search the google sites and can see the optimize of kindle reviews phrase. Now like this select some keywords and same procedure follow to find out the number of competitors.

data search engine

Now open the excel sheet and Global monthly searches column changing the heading and search and beside this create a column named Allintitle. Now write kindle reviews phrase in Allintitle column 6060. For other keywords find out the allintitle number, it is time consuming so when choosing highly related keyword and find out allintitle for them. Now for your site you can measure competitiveness of the desired keyword. I hope this will help you to rank properly next time.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to Search Keyword for SEO? Part 4

How to Search Keyword for SEO?

The adword tool of google is very helpful through which we can get huge amount of data by research. However this tool also gives us keyword which might not have direct connection with our site.

keyword research

Open excel sheet and ask yourself whether this keyword is appropriate for your site or if someone searches in the search engine for this whether he can get your site. If anybody can get your site by the search, then whether I can give them relevant information or service. Then search those phrases and omit those words which are not related with your website.

keyword research tool

See here in the above example the site which was used has relation with the words kindle, eBook reader, book reviews, but at last the word kindled word is not related, so omit it.

keyword generator

Like this delete all the irrelevant words and save the Excel sheet.

Now we will open the sheet we saved and select some highly related keyword and divide the phrases into different categories. Now if we want to select 'electronic book reader' phrase which is highly related with our website.

adwords keyword

Now we will copy the keyword and through google adword tool shown earlier, will compare electronic book reader phrase with other related phrases and identify the number of searches and save it in the excel sheet, omitting the keywords which are not needed.

keyword analysis

Now we will keep the files in form of sheets in excel which will make our work easier. Save the 1st file in a sheet named General Keywords and Save the 2nd file in a sheet named electronic book reader.

keyword research tools

Like this choose some category (highly related), with the help of google adword tool, choose the related keyword from your site and save it in excel sheet.

keyword tool free

Open the last file which was saved, there we have our keyword and monthly search volume. Now we will try to find out competitiveness of different keywords. Here competitiveness means how difficult it is to optimize keyword. In detail we can say, the number of pages competing for that keyword. So the more the competitors, the more difficult would be to optimize the keyword. So we have to select such a keyword where there is less competitors but more search.

Friday, January 9, 2015

How to Research Keyword? Part 3

How to Research Keyword?

Now let us see some things about keyword research. For giving examples I have given some pictures are taken from Jill Whalen, a Seo Trainer’s keyword research. He created the video tutorial of Lynda.
At first write in a word file the service which is provided by the website and write the goal of your website. Moreover, write the phrase of Brainstorming. For example, read the text below:

keyword research tool free

So you can understand the website which we will work the main goal is the product review of Amazon Kindle, to provide different information and selling the product through amazon's affilliate program.

Now let us see the url shown in the picture, that means entering the google adwords tool. Look at the red marked areas. The left side shows website content. If you click radio button, we can bring the website link at the right hand side marked. Now we can get idea of keyword phrase.

free keyword research tool

Since through brainstorming we have selected some phrase from before. So we select Descriptive words or phrases options go to the marked option at right paste the keywords there. Then tick Use synonyms and click Get keyword ideas.
Scroll downwards and you can see a list. Then select Exact Match from Broad Match. Then we can see the result of a specific phrase.

best keyword research tool

Then like the above picture click hide local search volume from Hide Advertiser competition and Choose columns to display. Then the screen will look like below. We will hide these two since we will do keyword research in our way.

keyword research tool

After we hide it, it will look like this

keyword research tools

Now scroll down and click csv for excel. Save this file in excel. By this file later we can work very easily.

keyword research

I invite you to read the next episode. Thanking everyone, bye for today.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why is keyword research important? Part 2

Why is keyword research important?

1) Since by using keyword people search for important things they need
2) SE always wants to show the best result
3) You should know which type of keyword is searched for more
4) The main reason is, keyword research tools will help you to know what things are being searched in the web and which are not.

There are many tools of keyword research. Among these wordtracker, keyword discovery, Google Adwords etc are main ones.

seo analyzer

Most people use google adwords, it is very fast and free to use

Rules of Keyword Research

There is no specific rule for this, there are many paid tools available in the market, with which you can accurately select keyword, however, since we will not use those paid tools, so we have to know the basic procedure of keyword research.

7 things to know about research:

1) Brainstorming

Identifying your Target Market and thinking about that keyword, whether you want to compete domestically or internationally. Based on your Target Market, the relation of gender and income of that country, if there is, and how it can affect your desired keyword. For example, if you have a furniture shop in a specific state then your keyword can be "New York Furniture" and if you are a company like MacDonalds, then you have to think about whole USA concept.

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To do right keyword selection you can ask your target customer, sales people, friend and relatives to search for specific words. Even if it is like this if it is the technical terms, it might not match. You can visit different Online forum/blogs. You can visit your competitors website and get some idea about what they are doing and which keyword they are using. Then you write your idea on a piece of paper.

2) Divide the keywords in terms of the subjects:

According to your product or service try to make more than 1 keyword set. Most of the time this might not be done properly, since unless you do keyword research, you do not know the search term used by others. Sometimes thing step can be done before the research. The way it feels easy.

3) Doing the research

seo search engine optimization

To do keyword research, you can use keyword research tools. Select a seed phrase from any category or if you have a website, then you can easily use google keyword research tool to get your desired url.

4) Compile

From keyword research tools do the Export spreadsheet. If you think it is needed, Re-categorize the keyword.

5) Remove

search engine optimization tips

When spreadsheet remains open, you have to omit non-relevant phrases. Omit those keywords with search count low. But be careful regarding the procedure. If needed ask your client.

6) Determine Competitiveness

Here you have to decide that, whether you want more competitors or less. Every phase has a specific competitiveness. Now if you run after that phase which others are running after, then if you follow them, then to achieve your target can be difficult. So you have to select keyword which brings you desired visitors, while the competitiveness is less.

website marketing

According to Competitiveness, phases can be divided into 3 phases:

• highly competitive
• fairly competitive
• non-competitive

7) Right Keyword Selection

seo consulting

After completing these steps, you can easily select your desired keywords. When selecting keywords, try to keep in mind the following things:

• number of searches
• relevancy to your web site
• competitiveness level

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Search Engine Optimization SEO Part 1

Search Engine Optimization SEO A to Y Part 1

I welcome all of you in the first episode of SEO. By seeing the headline, one might ask the meaning of A to Y. This should have been A to Z. Actually the knowledge of SEO is so huge that it is not possible for anybody to gain this knowledge fully. Moreover from time to time the rules of SEO are changing, so that is why it is called A to Y.

seo training

There are many tutorials of SEO. I will try to give you some information from entry level to advanced level, whereas the basic rules are similar. Knowing the Fundamental rules of SEO is important. SEO is such a subject where Knowledge sharing is the way to gain knowledge. If you do not understand anything here, you can either Google or email me regarding your problem. Now let us go to the main point.

What is Search Engine Optimization SEO and why is it used?

There are 2 types of search results:

• Organic and

• Paid.

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Here we will discuss about organic search result, since it is free, while in paid search result, with money you can put ad.

How does search work?

Search engine usually works with 2 main components:

Crawler – This collects information from different websites through spider, robot/bot. Here Search Engine or SE usually follows a link and collects information and it is stored in the database.

Algorithm – here search engine analyses the information, provides ranking based on the page content’s relevancy ? quality. Here SE Algorithm depends upon different factors:

seo optimization

What is SEO?

SEO - search engine optimization involves some rules or techniques through which a website can get more visitor or traffic through different search engines (google, msn, yahoo etc). Actually, through seo we can bring the website in the search engine, we can get more visitors. 

To tell it more easily, if we want to download a song, usually we go to google and search it by writing its name. When we press search button, google provides a list of websites where the song is available. Google shows 10 pages at once. Now you might ask why some pages came before the others in the list. Is google responsible for making this shift of pages with some specific reason? There must be something special about those pages which came first. This specialty is the tactics of SEO, through which you can also bring your website forward in the list, and this means more visitors.

Those who are new in SEO may follow Google Webmaster Guideline. If you follow basic rules, then you do not need to think about seo so much. We build a website for visitors, so if you present those things to them which they want properly, then your 50 to 60 % of SEO is complete. 

Why a visitor searches: he might be searching for an answer, trying to solve their problem and wants. If you can solve and answer their questions properly through your website, then you do not need to think about anything.

SEO can be divided into 2 ways:

• On Page SEO
• Off page SEO.

search engine marketing

On page seo can be termed as those which you are telling for your website and Off page se is when others are telling about your webpage.

Use of SEO:

Think you have a website regarding baseball, which is ranked 10th currently. You want that if someone writes "Baseball Cards" in the search engine then it will show as ranking 1. To do this you will have to create seo for that site. In seo a popular search term or keyword is used. So through seo if you want to bring your brand name up and be successful, still it can not be termed as seo. Since search engine is very smart and it can differentiate your company name and keyword. Another thing is the more the participants for keyword, the keyword ranking becomes more difficult.

That is why before starting seo, some planning is essential. Suppose you opened up a new site, where there might be millions of participants from beforehand. Another person might build a site on which there are only 1000 participants. So which one will be easier to detect?

For this reason proper seo planning and keyword selection is important. If your keyword selection is not proper then you will not get your desired result. When a person searches something in the search engine, they use the search term. So if you do not know what the people are searching, how will you satisfy their wants?