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Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to Get Data Manually from Google-Keyword Research Part 5

How to Get Data Manually from Google-Keyword Research

If we search kindle reviews phrase from excel sheet from google, then google shows some result at the right hand side. But here the results which the google shows contains only kindle results, review results and two phrase results. From here we can tell that all the pages may not optimize from kindle review phrase.

top keyword search

Now we will search quoted "kindle review" phrase. See the number of results decreased, here it shows 70300 results. So we can tell that the phrase kindle review exact is used somewhere in 70300 websites. So we can tell that all the sites may not optimize from kindle review phrase.

popular search keywords

Now we will use advance search term from google.

top keyword search

Now write in google allintitle:"kindle reviews"
Now it shows only 6060 results, which means the websites have the word Title tag kindle reviews. Since the word Title tag kindle reviews, so we can assume that these sites can be optimized for this phrase. This phrase is highly relevant with these sites and we can use it. Now let us see some other things:

keyword popularity research

If you again search kindle reviews phrase in google and look at the result, at first there is which is very famous and is in the web for a long time, which means that here competing is difficult.

keyword popularity

First enter the link and see in the site there is no direct kindle reviews word, which means probably there are many Backlink with the kindle reviews phrase. If you do not know the meaning of Backlink, no problem, later we will discuss about it. We can take this phrase.

Now you see in google like big sites as pcworld, so competition is very tough. You can search the google sites and can see the optimize of kindle reviews phrase. Now like this select some keywords and same procedure follow to find out the number of competitors.

data search engine

Now open the excel sheet and Global monthly searches column changing the heading and search and beside this create a column named Allintitle. Now write kindle reviews phrase in Allintitle column 6060. For other keywords find out the allintitle number, it is time consuming so when choosing highly related keyword and find out allintitle for them. Now for your site you can measure competitiveness of the desired keyword. I hope this will help you to rank properly next time.

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