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Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to Search Keyword for SEO? Part 4

How to Search Keyword for SEO?

The adword tool of google is very helpful through which we can get huge amount of data by research. However this tool also gives us keyword which might not have direct connection with our site.

keyword research

Open excel sheet and ask yourself whether this keyword is appropriate for your site or if someone searches in the search engine for this whether he can get your site. If anybody can get your site by the search, then whether I can give them relevant information or service. Then search those phrases and omit those words which are not related with your website.

keyword research tool

See here in the above example the site which was used has relation with the words kindle, eBook reader, book reviews, but at last the word kindled word is not related, so omit it.

keyword generator

Like this delete all the irrelevant words and save the Excel sheet.

Now we will open the sheet we saved and select some highly related keyword and divide the phrases into different categories. Now if we want to select 'electronic book reader' phrase which is highly related with our website.

adwords keyword

Now we will copy the keyword and through google adword tool shown earlier, will compare electronic book reader phrase with other related phrases and identify the number of searches and save it in the excel sheet, omitting the keywords which are not needed.

keyword analysis

Now we will keep the files in form of sheets in excel which will make our work easier. Save the 1st file in a sheet named General Keywords and Save the 2nd file in a sheet named electronic book reader.

keyword research tools

Like this choose some category (highly related), with the help of google adword tool, choose the related keyword from your site and save it in excel sheet.

keyword tool free

Open the last file which was saved, there we have our keyword and monthly search volume. Now we will try to find out competitiveness of different keywords. Here competitiveness means how difficult it is to optimize keyword. In detail we can say, the number of pages competing for that keyword. So the more the competitors, the more difficult would be to optimize the keyword. So we have to select such a keyword where there is less competitors but more search.

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