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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to Analyze of Keyword Research Data in Excel Part 6

How to Analyze of Keyword Research Data in Excel

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Now we will open the excel file which was created before. Here keywords, searches and allintitle are included. Now to measure keyword competitiveness we have to see, which keyword has a high number of searches and low number of competitor (pages). From here we can get our desired keyword. Now you look at the picture for example, you can see that the search number of ‘eletronic book reading device' keyword which is 880 and the competitors are 147 pages. So you can compete here, since 880 searches are not bad.

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Now in 'electronic books device' keyword, against the 480 searches, the allintitle is only 6. Now find the keywords needed and make the excel cell color green or it could be other colors too. Now select these keywords gradually and highlight with green color.

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See here there are some keyword which has less searches and more allintitle. We must omit these keywords. We will highlight these keywords with red color. Like the keyword 'electornic books online' have 480 searches and 12,300 participants. To compete for this keyword would be a loss. Usually this kind of thing occurs when Keyword optimize is done without Keyword Research. For this reason Keyword Research is very important, otherwise your hard work will go in vain. So even though Keyword Research is time consuming, do it properly, since it will benefit you.

When all keywords will be highlighted, then we have to sort allintitle column from excel sheet and do it in order of smallest to largest. So we will have more benefits.

Here we have to also consider that if your site is new then you will take one strategy and if it is old then follow another strategy. For this you can look at the graph below:

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Usually it is thought that if allintitle is below 1000 it means Non-competitive, 1000-3000 means fairly competitive, 3000-5000 means competitive and above that is highly competitive.

So if your site is popular and aged then you can easily select competitive or highly competitive keyword. However if your site is brand new, then you should select non-competitive keyword. After achieving this target you can go for fairly comopetitive keyword.

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if you perform keyword research properly to find a keyword and if you can optimize it properly, then gradually you can get the result. This is the end for today. I welcome you all to read my next post.

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