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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to Make a Website SEO Optimized Part 7

How to Make a Website SEO Optimized

Site architecture

When Keyword research will end that time your main task is to identify your Site architecture. This is very important. From your Site architecture, search engine determines which page is important and which is not.

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For example, our Home or Front page has links with different pages. When search engine observes that this page has links with other pages, then Search Engine (SE) thinks this page as important.

Internal or Inbound linking:

The link between your website with other pages is called Internal or inbound linking. Internal linking site structure and SEO is important for this. 

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Suppose 10 pages are referred from a particular page, and on the other hand 3 pages are referred from a particular page, then SE assumes that the 10 inbound link pages are more important. In our example the web page shown, we can highlight the Product page with internal linking.

Page Depth:
Moreover, if the page requires more clicking to get into, those pages are less important.

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Making Quality link:
For this reason the places like Top Navigation, Side Bar and Footer links are very important, since in these places the links you will use, those links can get you into the site with just one click.

website optimization

In some web pages the content might change but the places remain the same. That is why in these places the important categories and topics should be posted.

Use correct Anchor text. Use the keywords we got from our research. To know more about Anchor text, search in the google.

SE usually gives more importance on the top links of the pages. For example, Top navigation link is more important than Footer links.

When creating links, take into mind whether the link you are creating is related with the page or not. If it is not then linking it with the related pages, otherwise Se might penalize you.

It is the end for today, take care, thanks.

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