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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Search Engine Optimization SEO Part 1

Search Engine Optimization SEO A to Y Part 1

I welcome all of you in the first episode of SEO. By seeing the headline, one might ask the meaning of A to Y. This should have been A to Z. Actually the knowledge of SEO is so huge that it is not possible for anybody to gain this knowledge fully. Moreover from time to time the rules of SEO are changing, so that is why it is called A to Y.

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There are many tutorials of SEO. I will try to give you some information from entry level to advanced level, whereas the basic rules are similar. Knowing the Fundamental rules of SEO is important. SEO is such a subject where Knowledge sharing is the way to gain knowledge. If you do not understand anything here, you can either Google or email me regarding your problem. Now let us go to the main point.

What is Search Engine Optimization SEO and why is it used?

There are 2 types of search results:

• Organic and

• Paid.

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Here we will discuss about organic search result, since it is free, while in paid search result, with money you can put ad.

How does search work?

Search engine usually works with 2 main components:

Crawler – This collects information from different websites through spider, robot/bot. Here Search Engine or SE usually follows a link and collects information and it is stored in the database.

Algorithm – here search engine analyses the information, provides ranking based on the page content’s relevancy ? quality. Here SE Algorithm depends upon different factors:

seo optimization

What is SEO?

SEO - search engine optimization involves some rules or techniques through which a website can get more visitor or traffic through different search engines (google, msn, yahoo etc). Actually, through seo we can bring the website in the search engine, we can get more visitors. 

To tell it more easily, if we want to download a song, usually we go to google and search it by writing its name. When we press search button, google provides a list of websites where the song is available. Google shows 10 pages at once. Now you might ask why some pages came before the others in the list. Is google responsible for making this shift of pages with some specific reason? There must be something special about those pages which came first. This specialty is the tactics of SEO, through which you can also bring your website forward in the list, and this means more visitors.

Those who are new in SEO may follow Google Webmaster Guideline. If you follow basic rules, then you do not need to think about seo so much. We build a website for visitors, so if you present those things to them which they want properly, then your 50 to 60 % of SEO is complete. 

Why a visitor searches: he might be searching for an answer, trying to solve their problem and wants. If you can solve and answer their questions properly through your website, then you do not need to think about anything.

SEO can be divided into 2 ways:

• On Page SEO
• Off page SEO.

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On page seo can be termed as those which you are telling for your website and Off page se is when others are telling about your webpage.

Use of SEO:

Think you have a website regarding baseball, which is ranked 10th currently. You want that if someone writes "Baseball Cards" in the search engine then it will show as ranking 1. To do this you will have to create seo for that site. In seo a popular search term or keyword is used. So through seo if you want to bring your brand name up and be successful, still it can not be termed as seo. Since search engine is very smart and it can differentiate your company name and keyword. Another thing is the more the participants for keyword, the keyword ranking becomes more difficult.

That is why before starting seo, some planning is essential. Suppose you opened up a new site, where there might be millions of participants from beforehand. Another person might build a site on which there are only 1000 participants. So which one will be easier to detect?

For this reason proper seo planning and keyword selection is important. If your keyword selection is not proper then you will not get your desired result. When a person searches something in the search engine, they use the search term. So if you do not know what the people are searching, how will you satisfy their wants?

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