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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why is keyword research important? Part 2

Why is keyword research important?

1) Since by using keyword people search for important things they need
2) SE always wants to show the best result
3) You should know which type of keyword is searched for more
4) The main reason is, keyword research tools will help you to know what things are being searched in the web and which are not.

There are many tools of keyword research. Among these wordtracker, keyword discovery, Google Adwords etc are main ones.

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Most people use google adwords, it is very fast and free to use

Rules of Keyword Research

There is no specific rule for this, there are many paid tools available in the market, with which you can accurately select keyword, however, since we will not use those paid tools, so we have to know the basic procedure of keyword research.

7 things to know about research:

1) Brainstorming

Identifying your Target Market and thinking about that keyword, whether you want to compete domestically or internationally. Based on your Target Market, the relation of gender and income of that country, if there is, and how it can affect your desired keyword. For example, if you have a furniture shop in a specific state then your keyword can be "New York Furniture" and if you are a company like MacDonalds, then you have to think about whole USA concept.

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To do right keyword selection you can ask your target customer, sales people, friend and relatives to search for specific words. Even if it is like this if it is the technical terms, it might not match. You can visit different Online forum/blogs. You can visit your competitors website and get some idea about what they are doing and which keyword they are using. Then you write your idea on a piece of paper.

2) Divide the keywords in terms of the subjects:

According to your product or service try to make more than 1 keyword set. Most of the time this might not be done properly, since unless you do keyword research, you do not know the search term used by others. Sometimes thing step can be done before the research. The way it feels easy.

3) Doing the research

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To do keyword research, you can use keyword research tools. Select a seed phrase from any category or if you have a website, then you can easily use google keyword research tool to get your desired url.

4) Compile

From keyword research tools do the Export spreadsheet. If you think it is needed, Re-categorize the keyword.

5) Remove

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When spreadsheet remains open, you have to omit non-relevant phrases. Omit those keywords with search count low. But be careful regarding the procedure. If needed ask your client.

6) Determine Competitiveness

Here you have to decide that, whether you want more competitors or less. Every phase has a specific competitiveness. Now if you run after that phase which others are running after, then if you follow them, then to achieve your target can be difficult. So you have to select keyword which brings you desired visitors, while the competitiveness is less.

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According to Competitiveness, phases can be divided into 3 phases:

• highly competitive
• fairly competitive
• non-competitive

7) Right Keyword Selection

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After completing these steps, you can easily select your desired keywords. When selecting keywords, try to keep in mind the following things:

• number of searches
• relevancy to your web site
• competitiveness level

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