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Monday, April 11, 2016

The future of SEO Last Episode

The future of SEO
Those who are more or less involved with search engine optimization, knows that SE changes its technique and algorithm and now it is more matured. Now through the results of SE we can find out different important pages easily.

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Through the image search of SE, when we upload an image, SE lets you find those. Still when making sites, it should be crawler friendly, since still now SE can not crawl objects like javascript, flash, video. So when making a site, try to avoid these as much as possible.

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You might have observed that, now when SE searches anything, it shows the shopping result, social sites keywords, the position in the online news site, etc. if you are logged in with google, then google will analyze your previous browsing history and present the result infront of you.

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At first I told something, and I am telling it again, if you have relevant good content in your site, then you do not have to think about SEO. Whatever there is change in algorithm, this sentence is always be true and universal.

I think there is many posts in this series. I have already shared all the information I knew. So by not disturbing you further, I call an end to this SEO series. I hope you have benefited from this. If I get time, I will write a series of tutorial on Link Building Technique. Be well, I thank everyone to be with me until now.

Search Engines Related Help Website Part-31

Search Engines Related Help Website

Sometimes keep an eye on the web analytics and understand which strategy is working and which is not. The one which is not working, omit it and move forward.


Now I will mention some SE related websites, from which you can get some idea about different Strategy, Algorithm etc. internet is like a big sea, here information is easily accessible and anybody can get it. But the problem is, from this sea, to get the right information is very difficult, and there might be some harmful information, which can destroy your ranking. 

Seo is such a topic where you have to be updated every time and know about the different updates of the SE and work accordingly. So you have to be very careful in updating and collecting reliable information. Never waste your precious time on wrong information. That is why I will share with you some sites which are reliable, and even I follow these blogs. Here the famous SE specialists work. Let us see the names of these websites. You might have heard about these sites before. 

The important guidelines at first you will get from google, for this you can visit Upon entering this site, you will see Webmaster Resources. From here you will see Guidelines, Help, Blog, Youtube etc. this is the most reliable site. The guidelines you will get from google webmaster, are always authentic.

Secondly you can visit Bing webmaster blog. This is also my favourite.

In google Matt Cutts blog and youtube channel


You can follow a very famous and reliable site Seomoz Follow. I have seen that by following this, you get to know about google updates different SEO tricks.

Then follow, where you will get some nice beginner level tutorial.

Other sites like gives you new information, but all might not be important. If you read and believe everything then there might be Information Overload. gives you quality articles. Here you can get the idea of writing good articles. is there if you want to learn about Link Building technique. is preferable for Web Analytics.

Thanks everybody.

How to Use Google Analytics for Website? Part-30

How to Use Google Analytics for Website?

Whatever we write in our site, our main goal is to increase the number of visitors in our site. It is best if you check the results through analytics. For this at first enter in the analytics. Then go to the option traffic sources. Then find out referring sites and click there


After entering, select how many months traffic source you want to see at one time. If the visitors of your site are less, then you can see 3 to 6 months data.


In the following picture see that we got good amount of traffic from


If you click on the link of, then you will go deeper into the page, and here you will see from which page of twitter we got visitors.

You can even go to campaigns option if you want.


From here you can know about the conversion of the goals set. The visitors who will come to you from social sites, through them it are difficult to achieve your goal. But if you get yourself informed in different social sites, then your visitors will increase and conversion will also increase. To learn about Google analytics, visit this following site:

Let us review all the things we have done until now:
  • Always prepare websites for visitors. The aim of SE is to find out the best sites for the searchers. So if your site is good, your ranking will be high.
  • Select keyword in such a way that is relevant to the subject of the page. Search should be normal and less competitive.
  • Categorize your site properly, and arrange the navigation properly. Use good anchor text and alt attributes, which is relevant to the site.
  • Program the website in such a way so that it will be crawler-friendly. Your important keywords should not be hidden under Flash, Javascript etc.
  • Keep an eye on the Title Tag, Meta Description and Page headline, and these should include keywords. There should not be duplicate Page headlines.
  • Prepare the site in such a way that others will backlink with you for their own need.
  • Do not be worried about ranking, since it is always changing.
Develop Online Link Partnerships building with different people:
  • Buyers
  • Helpers
  • Different companies
  • The social sites where you participate
  • Give your advertisement in the proper place of the site.
This is all for today. To be continued….

How to Use Google Analytics for Website? Part 29

How to Use Google Analytics for Website?

I am writing after a long time. As I was very busy for some days, I could not post. I saw many people in my country, who claim that by learning link building, they can become expert in seo and they are working in different Free lancing platform. I personally think that they should know and learn much more. Seo is such a vast field where learning link building is not enough, you must learn other things too. You must have minimum knowledge about those. So I request the newbies to study about seo properly before starting to do these kinds of jobs. You will get loads of free resources on seo in the internet; you just have to go through those. Also in our country there are some good institutions on seo, there also you can learn. However, you can collect all information from internet. Now let us go to the main point.

Now look at the picture above and go to Search Engine tab, where you can see how many visitors visited your site and from which source.

Now go to keywords tab like before picture, and from there you can know which keywords brought you how many visitors. Usually google shows first 10 keywords, but you can see more keywords from here. Here you will get many keywords, from which we optimized some for our site, and some keywords were not optimized.


Look at the picture above. Every information in here we can arrange by both Ascending and descending order. Like see in different columns it shows how much time was spent by whom, the bounce rate (Entering and leaving the site immediately) etc given.


Now let us click landing page from the option beside the keyword to see which page visitor is coming first.


Now if we sort it in terms of visits, then we will see that most of the visitors went to home page first. Another thing is, the reason we optimized a page, from that keyword we got visitors. In our site we sell the affiliate product of amazon, so the main goal of our conversion is to find out the visitors of amazon. From the above picture if we sort Clicked an amazon affiliate link, we can see the phrase used for goal conversion.

Now see for some keywords, a visitor is visiting, and since your goal conversion is successful, it is showing 200% goal conversion. It does not mean that your site is being visited by this keyword and goal will be achieved. The more the visitors, the lower will be your success rate. If you see our keyword kindle reviews, you can easily understand the reason. So use your intelligence when doing Value analysis. Gradually from time to time visitors of your site will increase. If not then try to find out the reason from analytics. If possible try to analyze the data of analytics once in a month.

Be well. To be continued…

How to Use Google Analytics for Website? Part 28

How to Use Google Analytics for Website?

Now let us tour the google analytics (For this you must have an account in google analytics). If you have problem in opening account in google analytics, then you can search for some tutorial. Another thing is, the pictures used in here was taken before, which might not match with current analytics, but you can get the options easily. Also if I get time, then I will upload the new pictures of analytics. 

 From here if you click edit, you will get the option add new goal, click on it.

Then fill up the form below
To fill up the form, the things you understand, keep those as default. First give.Then keep Active Goal on. Keep the Goal position same, and then select Goal type url destination- the other two are complex. Then from match Type of goal details, then select Head Match, since it will make your work easier. Then give Goal-URL. Keep Goal Value default. But if you know the values of goal from before, then you can fill it up. At last save it. From this you can easily identify the level of conversion, and also understand that the time you spend on the keywords, whether it will help you to achieve your goal. If you see that the things you are doing, is not turning into conversion, then try another way. Sometimes in the contact form, if there are too much fields, it can create problems, even for its designing, conversion can be hampered. But sometimes this can happen that, your site might have many visitors, but conversion is not taking place. In this case try to find out the reason for not having conversion, even if conversion does not take place, no need to worry. Since if you have many visitors, your brand will develop.

Traffic source
It is important to know from where the visitors are coming to your site? If you can know it, it will be better for you. Suppose if you get many visitors from SE, then rather giving effort on seo, you can give attention to other traffic source to increase traffic. 


Enter google analytics and find out the option Traffic Sources from there. The above picture shows how much traffic is coming in which time and from which source, it is shown. The above picture shows that most of the traffic is coming from SE, and the percentage is 78.46%, from the traffic of Direct ও Referring sites, it is 10.77 and 7.25 respectively. Other sources contribute only 3.52%. Since majority of the traffic coming from search engine, we can tell that our seo is working fine. But there is a bad side of it, that is, if you are too much dependent on SE, then if you change SE ranking system will have a dramatic change in traffic site. So do not get too dependent on SE. 50% visitors can come from SE, but if more than this happens, then you can be in trouble. So if your SE visitors are more, try to increase visitors from other sources. For this even if thare is a major change in SE, you will not fall into trouble. I hope you know google search engine algorithm changes very quickly; to cope up with it is very difficult. The expert specialists of the world can not cope with it, so how will you cope up? But do not be afraid. If you work according to the system, there will be no problem.

Thanks everybody.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

How will you Do Conversion Measure and Set Your Goal? Part 27

How will you Do Conversion Measure and Set Your Goal? 

Ranking might not lead to your achievement of goal. Suppose if you have an affiliated site, and if your position is in the 1st page of google, then you will get many visitors. You might get more visitors but your sales might be less, then it is of no use. Suppose you get 1000 visitors a day, but sales is only 5, on the other hand, if you have 200 visitors and can sell 20, which one is more profitable? So even after getting good position in SE, your goal might not be achieved.


But the good thing is, nowadays we have different web analytics, through which you can easily measure your success by these tools. Here we will use Google analytics, since it is free and good.


How will you do conversion measure and set your goal:

Conversion is actually, when a visitor enters your site and performs a specific action. This is very important for seo since it shows whether you are getting the things from your visitors who are visiting the site. Every site has one or more goals. When a visitor visits a site and performs the goal, then we can understand that conversion has taken place. Below are some examples of conversion:

  • Suppose somebody has decided that when a visitor submits contact form in your site, conversion can take place.
  • Newsletter sign-ups can also take place.
  • You might want the visitor to visit a selected page, and that can be considered as conversion.
  • When any product is sold, obviously it can be considered as conversion.
  • In case of contact form, upon submitting it, there should be a thank you page, which should be submitted to analytic as goal conversion page. This is very important for seo, since through analytic you can know through which keyword the visitor has come and goal achieved.
Now see the contact page in the example site:


If your goal is to fill up the contact page form, then if someone fills it and submits, you can give a thank you.

This page will come when contact form is filled up and submitted. So when this page is visited, you can ensure that conversion has taken place.

In the later episodes, we will discuss about google analytics. Until then be well.

How to Make Friends in Social Networking Site? Part 26

How to Make Friends in Social Networking Site?

Continued from before episode:
  • Properly review current post, comments, articles, etc.
  • Observe what they are discussing about you
  • Are they part of your target market?
  • Is the culture of your community good or bad? If bad, then will it affect your promo? Think about it carefully. Try to avoid these things.

  • Also to participate in social media, you can give answers to different questions to the members of the community. But when giving answers, try to keep one thing in mind, try not to underestimate anybody. Never give wrong answers. It is better to give no answer rather than wrong answer. You must know the subject properly before giving answers. This will increase your credibility to others.
  • If you are not experienced about something, then you can ask some advance level questions on the running subjects in the forum, or you can ask them to clarify it. If possible try to start a new topic.

  • Be careful about some things, like do not waste your time participating in the social media.
  • Many people waste much time in social media. Try to allot a specific time for that, or give this responsibility to anybody else.
Measuring your success


After doing seo everybody wants to know your position in SE. if you have a good position in SE, then you will receive much Free Traffic, otherwise you will not. But success should not be always measured by SE ranking. 


Why success should not be always measured by SE ranking?
Ranking always changes. Suppose if you search by a keyword, your computer will show the search result, which might not be same in your friend’s computer. Also due to changes in browser, there might be up-down in ranking. So do not think that the results shown in your computer will be same for others.


SE ranking depends upon geographical factors too. For example in you are in US, different results will be shown rather than in Bangladesh. In US, when state changes, search result also changes. So to have business or get any service, country extension can be used, like .BD, to get benefit from local seo. 


For last some years, google has made search result personalized. For example, if you have an account in google, if you search when log in to your account, then result will be different. If you do not have an account in google, then result will be different. Because when you have account in google, it knows about you a lot, and from that it will decide your personalized search and show it. Even if you are not logged in, google will still find information from cookies and show result. I do not know whether you noticed it or not, many times at the end of the search result it shows the recent site you have visited.

Also sometimes we see, you targeted a number of keywords, and some of them are shown in the 1st position and 1st page. Some keywords have less competition for different companies, those will show in the 1st position and 1st page and you might be happy that your site is in the 1st position. Actually there is nothing to be happy, since here there is no competition. Try to observe the keyword which the site is ranked upon, how better is it in terms of searches?

Take care everybody.

How to Make Friends in Social Networking Site? Part 25

How to Make Friends in Social Networking Site? 

Next your task will be to make new friends. This is a hard task, if you hide your real name and create account with another name. People may know you but they might not know about your business. If you open account with real name, you might get some advantages. To make new friends, what you can do is:


  • Follow those people whom you know
  • Gradually follow their friends
  • Observe their discussions, and among them try to find out interested people and follow them.
  • Then also if you want, you can use your email address and social account id, to find out these people.
To manage everything more properly:
  • Get united with a community
  • Take part in different discussions
  • Always be friendly and helpful to other members
  • Do not exaggerate yourself
  • Be very vigilant
  • Do not ever give up

After joining online community you have to take different things into consideration. You already know that, many people join the community just to create backlink. The owners of forum, blog or web 2.0 services also know that they took the membership for spamming. So refrain yourself from these things. Every time you have to think that I will let the forum know something, and in return I will also get some help. So in order to find a proper place in web 2.0, you have to help a lot. Gradually when they get a good idea about you, you can work on the promo, but make sure nobody is being disturbed by you. What you can do is:


When making an account in the website, read all the rules and regulations. There might be rules that for some posts you can not give links (related to your product or site). If you still give, then it is considered as spam. Even your account can be banned for this.

Some websites have such a system which prevents you to give link in your post, but you can give link in your Profile/signature.

You know backlink is very important to google. That is why the search engine marketers give more importance on backlink. That is why most websites add ‘no follow’ attribute in the backlink option. So google does not give it more importance, and does not pass Link popularity. But there is much debate about no follow link among seo guru. 

Thanks for reading. To be continued…

How to Start Social Media Marketing or SMM? Part-24

How to Start Social Media Marketing or SMM? Part-24

When you hear about Social Media Marketing, you may ask what is it? You might think of learning so many things to understand it. Actually there is nothing to fear. Did you buy any good or service before, by seeing the online review or comment of somebody, and you decided to buy that according to that. If your answer is yes, then you already know much about SMM. For this you have to be very much reliable on facebook, twitter or different forums. You can share your past experiences in these sites. The benefits that can be achieved when using the product,  the problems you can face, the solutions of problem- all these should be shared. If you do these things honestly, then your dependability will increase and for this the sales of your product will increase.

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How to start SMM?
For a new thing the problem we face is, we are confused about where to start. Actually it is very important to do the work properly, and then later the problems become less. At first market research is needed. You can join different website web2.0 to find different sites.

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  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Tweets
  • Forums
To find your service related blog, you can take help from google. Also you can take help from Blog search engines:
  • Technorati
  • Google blog search
Then by using searches of Twitter ও Facebook, you can find people of your Target Market

Make your profile in different social media

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Necessary steps for making profile
  • Will you use your name or your brand name? Now if you think that, by using your name, you can increase your credibility, then you can do it. But if you think of creating your own brand for your company, then you can create your company profile.
  • If your company is very big, then you can create different profile in the same organization name.
  • When you will start, use popular accounts like: Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.
  • After creating the main accounts, create one by one. To find out the other sites, you can use a site Here you can get many names of sites, which can be divided into different categories.
  • Customize your profile. For example, you can customize it by adding different logo, brand colors etc.
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  • Also in different websites bio, you can link your website directly.
  • Many people may not have time to spend in these social websites, but if you create links with your site, then if any one searches you by brand or name, then they get these results in terms of search.

What are Social Media and Social Networking/Marketing? Part-23

What are Social Media and Social Networking/Marketing? Part-23

Social Media
It is also known as Web2.0. Internet is characterized by social media from the beginning. Nowadays in internet there is many social media. Different kind of social media works in different ways and we can do social marketing by them. Today I will share how we will do it:

1. what-are-social-media-and-social-networking-marketing

What do we mean about social media? It is such a place where people can interact with each other, share opinions. For example we can tell:
  • forum
  • blog post (which accept comments)
  • chat rooms
  • web 2.0 communities
You might be thinking what is a web 2.0 community? You do not need to worry, if you see the example,
Our well known facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
Other sites like these….
Introduction to Social Media Marketing or SMM

2. what-are-social-media-and-social-networking-marketing

SMM is such a way, in which you can reach your target audience and for this you have to be an active member of relevant communities and forums and participate in marketing related conversation.
SMM is also known as online networking. You all know that we feel at ease when we do business with the ones we know. Since they like us, and those who like you will do even if you do not tell them:
  • Advertise your product
  • May buy that product from you
  • They will recommend others to buy those
You might have a question in your mind about the relation between SMM and SEO. Usually we think that these are two different characters. Like through SEO what we do is, we want people to find us out, and through SMM we directly go to people. 

Some people have strong presence in the social site; they overlook the traditional seo, since they can reach their desired goal through SMM. But this is not a smart way. Since SMM is not a substitute of SEO. From SMM we do not get any link directly, while the links we get from social sites have No Follow attribute. Through SMM we get visitors, but this can not be a substitute of SEO. If you make Link worthy content, then automatically you can get indirect backlink.

3. what-are-social-media-and-social-networking-marketing

  • What the others are thinking of you?
  • Are they talking positive or negative about you?
  • Do you need to think about these matters? It is true that you can not stop people commenting, but you can participate in the discussion and tell something positive about you. For example, there may be more twitter follower for your company. Suppose among them one of them fell into trouble, and he tweet his problem, and from your company if someone solves it, then he gets an instant customer service. He will then share Twitter link of the company to others and tell them that they will get their solutions in here.