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Sunday, April 10, 2016

How to Start Social Media Marketing or SMM? Part-24

How to Start Social Media Marketing or SMM? Part-24

When you hear about Social Media Marketing, you may ask what is it? You might think of learning so many things to understand it. Actually there is nothing to fear. Did you buy any good or service before, by seeing the online review or comment of somebody, and you decided to buy that according to that. If your answer is yes, then you already know much about SMM. For this you have to be very much reliable on facebook, twitter or different forums. You can share your past experiences in these sites. The benefits that can be achieved when using the product,  the problems you can face, the solutions of problem- all these should be shared. If you do these things honestly, then your dependability will increase and for this the sales of your product will increase.

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How to start SMM?
For a new thing the problem we face is, we are confused about where to start. Actually it is very important to do the work properly, and then later the problems become less. At first market research is needed. You can join different website web2.0 to find different sites.

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  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Tweets
  • Forums
To find your service related blog, you can take help from google. Also you can take help from Blog search engines:
  • Technorati
  • Google blog search
Then by using searches of Twitter ও Facebook, you can find people of your Target Market

Make your profile in different social media

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Necessary steps for making profile
  • Will you use your name or your brand name? Now if you think that, by using your name, you can increase your credibility, then you can do it. But if you think of creating your own brand for your company, then you can create your company profile.
  • If your company is very big, then you can create different profile in the same organization name.
  • When you will start, use popular accounts like: Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.
  • After creating the main accounts, create one by one. To find out the other sites, you can use a site Here you can get many names of sites, which can be divided into different categories.
  • Customize your profile. For example, you can customize it by adding different logo, brand colors etc.
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  • Also in different websites bio, you can link your website directly.
  • Many people may not have time to spend in these social websites, but if you create links with your site, then if any one searches you by brand or name, then they get these results in terms of search.

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