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Sunday, April 10, 2016

How to Make Friends in Social Networking Site? Part 25

How to Make Friends in Social Networking Site? 

Next your task will be to make new friends. This is a hard task, if you hide your real name and create account with another name. People may know you but they might not know about your business. If you open account with real name, you might get some advantages. To make new friends, what you can do is:


  • Follow those people whom you know
  • Gradually follow their friends
  • Observe their discussions, and among them try to find out interested people and follow them.
  • Then also if you want, you can use your email address and social account id, to find out these people.
To manage everything more properly:
  • Get united with a community
  • Take part in different discussions
  • Always be friendly and helpful to other members
  • Do not exaggerate yourself
  • Be very vigilant
  • Do not ever give up

After joining online community you have to take different things into consideration. You already know that, many people join the community just to create backlink. The owners of forum, blog or web 2.0 services also know that they took the membership for spamming. So refrain yourself from these things. Every time you have to think that I will let the forum know something, and in return I will also get some help. So in order to find a proper place in web 2.0, you have to help a lot. Gradually when they get a good idea about you, you can work on the promo, but make sure nobody is being disturbed by you. What you can do is:


When making an account in the website, read all the rules and regulations. There might be rules that for some posts you can not give links (related to your product or site). If you still give, then it is considered as spam. Even your account can be banned for this.

Some websites have such a system which prevents you to give link in your post, but you can give link in your Profile/signature.

You know backlink is very important to google. That is why the search engine marketers give more importance on backlink. That is why most websites add ‘no follow’ attribute in the backlink option. So google does not give it more importance, and does not pass Link popularity. But there is much debate about no follow link among seo guru. 

Thanks for reading. To be continued…

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