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Sunday, April 10, 2016

How will you Do Conversion Measure and Set Your Goal? Part 27

How will you Do Conversion Measure and Set Your Goal? 

Ranking might not lead to your achievement of goal. Suppose if you have an affiliated site, and if your position is in the 1st page of google, then you will get many visitors. You might get more visitors but your sales might be less, then it is of no use. Suppose you get 1000 visitors a day, but sales is only 5, on the other hand, if you have 200 visitors and can sell 20, which one is more profitable? So even after getting good position in SE, your goal might not be achieved.


But the good thing is, nowadays we have different web analytics, through which you can easily measure your success by these tools. Here we will use Google analytics, since it is free and good.


How will you do conversion measure and set your goal:

Conversion is actually, when a visitor enters your site and performs a specific action. This is very important for seo since it shows whether you are getting the things from your visitors who are visiting the site. Every site has one or more goals. When a visitor visits a site and performs the goal, then we can understand that conversion has taken place. Below are some examples of conversion:

  • Suppose somebody has decided that when a visitor submits contact form in your site, conversion can take place.
  • Newsletter sign-ups can also take place.
  • You might want the visitor to visit a selected page, and that can be considered as conversion.
  • When any product is sold, obviously it can be considered as conversion.
  • In case of contact form, upon submitting it, there should be a thank you page, which should be submitted to analytic as goal conversion page. This is very important for seo, since through analytic you can know through which keyword the visitor has come and goal achieved.
Now see the contact page in the example site:


If your goal is to fill up the contact page form, then if someone fills it and submits, you can give a thank you.

This page will come when contact form is filled up and submitted. So when this page is visited, you can ensure that conversion has taken place.

In the later episodes, we will discuss about google analytics. Until then be well.

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