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Monday, April 11, 2016

How to Use Google Analytics for Website? Part 28

How to Use Google Analytics for Website?

Now let us tour the google analytics (For this you must have an account in google analytics). If you have problem in opening account in google analytics, then you can search for some tutorial. Another thing is, the pictures used in here was taken before, which might not match with current analytics, but you can get the options easily. Also if I get time, then I will upload the new pictures of analytics. 

 From here if you click edit, you will get the option add new goal, click on it.

Then fill up the form below
To fill up the form, the things you understand, keep those as default. First give.Then keep Active Goal on. Keep the Goal position same, and then select Goal type url destination- the other two are complex. Then from match Type of goal details, then select Head Match, since it will make your work easier. Then give Goal-URL. Keep Goal Value default. But if you know the values of goal from before, then you can fill it up. At last save it. From this you can easily identify the level of conversion, and also understand that the time you spend on the keywords, whether it will help you to achieve your goal. If you see that the things you are doing, is not turning into conversion, then try another way. Sometimes in the contact form, if there are too much fields, it can create problems, even for its designing, conversion can be hampered. But sometimes this can happen that, your site might have many visitors, but conversion is not taking place. In this case try to find out the reason for not having conversion, even if conversion does not take place, no need to worry. Since if you have many visitors, your brand will develop.

Traffic source
It is important to know from where the visitors are coming to your site? If you can know it, it will be better for you. Suppose if you get many visitors from SE, then rather giving effort on seo, you can give attention to other traffic source to increase traffic. 


Enter google analytics and find out the option Traffic Sources from there. The above picture shows how much traffic is coming in which time and from which source, it is shown. The above picture shows that most of the traffic is coming from SE, and the percentage is 78.46%, from the traffic of Direct ও Referring sites, it is 10.77 and 7.25 respectively. Other sources contribute only 3.52%. Since majority of the traffic coming from search engine, we can tell that our seo is working fine. But there is a bad side of it, that is, if you are too much dependent on SE, then if you change SE ranking system will have a dramatic change in traffic site. So do not get too dependent on SE. 50% visitors can come from SE, but if more than this happens, then you can be in trouble. So if your SE visitors are more, try to increase visitors from other sources. For this even if thare is a major change in SE, you will not fall into trouble. I hope you know google search engine algorithm changes very quickly; to cope up with it is very difficult. The expert specialists of the world can not cope with it, so how will you cope up? But do not be afraid. If you work according to the system, there will be no problem.

Thanks everybody.

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