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Monday, April 11, 2016

How to Use Google Analytics for Website? Part 29

How to Use Google Analytics for Website?

I am writing after a long time. As I was very busy for some days, I could not post. I saw many people in my country, who claim that by learning link building, they can become expert in seo and they are working in different Free lancing platform. I personally think that they should know and learn much more. Seo is such a vast field where learning link building is not enough, you must learn other things too. You must have minimum knowledge about those. So I request the newbies to study about seo properly before starting to do these kinds of jobs. You will get loads of free resources on seo in the internet; you just have to go through those. Also in our country there are some good institutions on seo, there also you can learn. However, you can collect all information from internet. Now let us go to the main point.

Now look at the picture above and go to Search Engine tab, where you can see how many visitors visited your site and from which source.

Now go to keywords tab like before picture, and from there you can know which keywords brought you how many visitors. Usually google shows first 10 keywords, but you can see more keywords from here. Here you will get many keywords, from which we optimized some for our site, and some keywords were not optimized.


Look at the picture above. Every information in here we can arrange by both Ascending and descending order. Like see in different columns it shows how much time was spent by whom, the bounce rate (Entering and leaving the site immediately) etc given.


Now let us click landing page from the option beside the keyword to see which page visitor is coming first.


Now if we sort it in terms of visits, then we will see that most of the visitors went to home page first. Another thing is, the reason we optimized a page, from that keyword we got visitors. In our site we sell the affiliate product of amazon, so the main goal of our conversion is to find out the visitors of amazon. From the above picture if we sort Clicked an amazon affiliate link, we can see the phrase used for goal conversion.

Now see for some keywords, a visitor is visiting, and since your goal conversion is successful, it is showing 200% goal conversion. It does not mean that your site is being visited by this keyword and goal will be achieved. The more the visitors, the lower will be your success rate. If you see our keyword kindle reviews, you can easily understand the reason. So use your intelligence when doing Value analysis. Gradually from time to time visitors of your site will increase. If not then try to find out the reason from analytics. If possible try to analyze the data of analytics once in a month.

Be well. To be continued…

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